Software for Download
We are in the process of making some of our tools available for
download. What we have is available below. This page is updated
every few months. It was last updated in June 2011.
LogiSketch Installer
The LogiSketch system is now available for
download. This is research software and comes with all of the
issues associated (many bugs, doesn't work the way you'd like it to,
etc). The system is very much still under development. If
you have feedback, please send it to We
may not get to it quickly, but we always appreciate comments.
- Download LogiSketch
installer from summer 2011. This is the installer for
the latest version of LogiSketch. This software is only known to
work on a Tablet PC running
.NET 4.0 and Windows 7. It might work on Windows Vista (we
haven't tested it), but it does not work on Windows XP. This
installer has not been as well-tested as the installer for the 2010
version, below.
- Download LogiSketch
installer from summer 2010.
This is a slightly older version of LogiSketch, but the installer
is more thoroughly tested, so if the one above does not work, you might
try this one. Notes: this software is only known to work on a
Tablet PC running
.NET 4.0 and Windows 7. It might work on Windows Vista (we
haven't tested it), but it does not work on Windows XP.
Datasets for Download
have two labled digital logic datasets available for download.
The links below provide the data and an associated paper that
describes how the data was collected.
- Data collected in a laboratory study from a data collection study.
- Data
collected from students in an introductory comptuer architecture class
at Harvey Mudd College. These are sketches of digital logic
diagrams drawn and extracted from notes, homework and labs throughout
the class
Journal to XML format converter and Sketch Labeler
Download labeler and converter
(binaries and source for both programs, packaged together)
Latest release posted 8/1/2008. It fixes several bugs and adds
some new features from the previous release.
Download this file and unzip it. There are instructions included
on how to run both the converter and the labeler. We have also included
the source if you would like to make changes and recompile (using
Visual Studio .NET 2003 or later), and here is a link to the
documentation for the converter source:
converter documentation
JntToXML converts Microsoft Journal files to an open XML format that
was developed by the Design
Rationale Group at MIT.
It's a really nice format that supports a rich array of stroke
information (including timestamps, labels, etc.). There is
documentation about the format in the readme file included with the
The labeler allows the user to label sketches that are in the MIT XML
format. It is pen-based and designed to run on the Tablet PC.
We welcome feedback and suggestions on how to improve the
interface. Please email
This material is based upon work supported by a National Science
Foundation CAREER award under Grant No. IIS-0546809.
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in
this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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