CS 152 Lab
Official Course Web Page: CS152.
Sections by TA:
- Avani: MW 9-9:50
- Jason: T
- Justin: Th
- Ryan: F 9-9:50
- Trevor: M 3-3:50
TA Office Hours:
- Avani (in FEC 318):
MW 1:00pm-2:30pm, F 9:00am-10:00am +
whenever you catch me around.
- Jason (in Escape Pod): T
- Justin (in Escape Pod): Th
- Ryan (in Escape Pod): W
- Trevor (in Escape Pod): F
10:00am-10:50am, 12:00pm-12:50pm
Try to e-mail your TA or the mailng list first if you have a question, but
feel free to come to anyone's office hours. Remember that Prof. Ingber has
office hours in FEC 319 MW 12-1:30 and F 2-3:00.
- Week1: Introduction to UNIX.
- Week2: Your First Java Assignment!
- Week3: Understanding Errors.
- Week4: Midterm Review.
- Week5: Control Structures.
- Week6: Midterm Post-Mortem.
- Week7: Value Returning Methods.
- Week8: Javadoc.
- Week9: The Card Class.
- Week10: Midterm 2 Recap
- Week11: Deck Class.
Turning in your homework:
When turning in your homework to me(avani), please do the following:
Working from home
There are a few tools that make it easier to work remotely:
- PuTTy is an SSH program like the FSecure we use in lab. Note that you will have to specify the hostname, which is:
- WinSCP is a program to copy files from your computer
(such as homework assignments you download) to the Linux computer
- If you're running emacs from your home computer and you don't have
X-Windows (i.e. you run Microsoft), you will need to open emacs using
the command:
[avani@egor ~]$emacs -nw
to open your emacs. Note that if you want to do this, you should really
learn the basic emacs
keystrokes. (scroll down on the page).
Some more useful Java links
A Little bit of harmless fun
The Bastard Operator from Hell: Required Reading for all CS Majors
- Open emacs, and type Esc X tetris, in that order. There, now
how do you like emacs?
Bored again already? Frustrated? Need someone to just listen to you? Open
emacs (which you probably already have if you're that frustrated), and
type Esc ` p, again, in that order.
Still not happy? Why don't you take that next link down and learn to use
vim? Its good for you.
- Some Cool Vi(m) tricks
Website maintained by avani at cs dot unm dot edu