Lucas Bang

About Me

My name is Lucas Bang (he/him).

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Harvey Mudd College.

More information is available in my CV.

Lucas Bang CV (PDF)


I am on sabbatical for the 2024 - 2025 academic year.

I have taught


In my research, I apply principles from combinatorics and information theory to program analysis problems. You can find out more from my CV linked above.

I also make art.

Contact Information



McGregor Computer Science Center (MCSC) 328


You can schedule a meeting with me, in person or on Zoom:

Mailing address

Department of Computer Science

Harvey Mudd College

301 Platt Blvd.

Claremont, CA 91711 USA

Occupied Tongva Territory

Personal Interests


My Personal Library (LibraryThing)

My Library Catalog (TinyCat)

Minimalist Internet

I am a big fan of minimal web. Minimal web is more accessible for those who use assistive technologies like screen readers and for those with low-resource computing devices.

The source code of this page is written in simple markdown and converted to plain HTML using Pandoc.

Other minimal web things that I enjoy:

Last updated July 2024