John Cage: Bibliography

This page contains works by and about Cage most likely to be relevant to Anarchism.

Works by Cage

Cage, John. (1992) Rolywholyover : a circus - contains thoughts by Cage on social structure.

--- and other authors. (c1992) John Cage, anarchic harmony : ein Buch der Frankfurt Feste '92 (in German and English)

Kostelanetz, Richard, comp. (1970) John Cage - "told mostly in his own words and writings"

Annotated Discography of Cage's musical works

Works on Cage

Perloff, M. and Junkerman, C. (1994) John Cage : composed in America - includes commentary on cage's political and social views

Fleming, R. and Duckworth, W. (????) John Cage at Seventy-Five