ML Seminar Outline: Spring 2005

Instructor: Belinda Thom (, 1241 Olin Hall, 7-9662, schedule)
TA: Aaron Arvey (
Course Mailing List:
Class Time and Location:Mon and Wed, 4-5:30 PM, PA-1285
Lab Time and Location:Wed, 6:30-8:00 PM (when no Nelson is scheduled), B-105

Quick Links:


This course is not being run as an ordinary class but rather as a seminar. You should view this course as a semester-long research opportunity. In this class you will learn as much as you can about data analysis and modeling by empirically investigating a problem of your own choosing, either in a group with one other student or on your own. (I strongly encourage but do not require that students work in pairs.) Your grade in this course will be determined by the quality of the attention you give to your chosen research problem. This effort will culminate in a final report and presentation. Although positive research results are encouraged, they are by no means required for doing well in this class---being able to clearly understand and document why aspects of your approach were not successful are equally valuable from a grading (and I would argue, a scientific!) perspective.

My role as instructor and seminar leader

I will realize the first two roles in class. I will achieve the third via regularly-scheduled weekly research meetings and feedback via the course Wiki.

Course map

Part I

In the first part of the course, I will lecture, assign readings, and lead directed discussions. Your primary responsibility, in return, is carefully reading the assigned readings and actively participating in class discussion. An approximate schedule of what I plan to cover in lecture and what readings will be assigned are available in the tentative syllabus (on the Wiki). During most lectures, I will hand out one or two informal think-about-outside-of-class problems. Occasionally, mini Matlab programming tasks might also be requested. These activities will be designed to help you internalize the material---by yourself or with your classmates. Discussion and solutions to these problems will be discussed at the beginning of the next lecture. As long as everyone spends some quality time outside of class on these activities, they will not be required (i.e. you won't have to turn anything in).

Part II

In the second part of the course, you will run the lectures. Each week, a different student (or pair of students) will present aspects of their research, followed by an in-depth class discussion. In this venue, my role is merely to facilitate. As the course progresses, a time-line for student presentations will be agreed upon.

Required Work

Each student will write a brief abstract for each reading that is assigned. This will be due at the beginning of the class in which the paper will be discussed. You should post your abstract onto the course Wiki before class. Your abstract should include: To guide you in this process, I will provide an exemplary abstract or two.
Research Project
Most of your effort in this class will be spent investigating the exploration and modeling of data sets of your own choosing. You may either work in a group with one other student or on your own. This activity will be referred to as your research project. In the remainder of this document, when discussing any aspect of your research project, the you refers to either a single student (if you are working alone) or pair of students, e.g. pairs of students will submit a joint report, will attend research meetings together, will give a joint presentation, etc.
Weekly Research Meeting and Wiki Entries
You will schedule a half-hour time block. During this time, we'll meet in my office (1241 Olin, x7-6992) to discuss your activities that week and your plans for remaining work. In order to document your work efforts. you will also maintain one (or more) topics on the course Wiki. I will check-in the Wiki and provide feedback on it regularly.
Class Presentations
During the second half of the semester, you will present the work that you have been doing with your classmates. Students taking clinic will do their presentations first to avoid conflicts with that class. Presentations should be about one half-hour in length, leaving plenty of time for intense class discussion. Belinda will guide you in drafting this presentation. No more than 5 to 10 slides will be allowed---the focus should be on big-ideas and compelling and pointed discussion about your approach.
Final Project
At the end of the semester, you should submit a 10 to 25 page report summarizing the result of your work (students working in groups can submit a joint report). This report should emphasize clarity at the high-level first---What is your project about? Why does it interest you? What specific questions are you attempting to answer with empirical simulation? What approaches and techniques are you using to answer these questions? What assumptions are you making (and why)? In addition, about a third of your report should delve into precisely explaining the details of a particular algorithm, evaluation mechanism, or experimental setup. In this section, you should rely on the formalisms you learned about in class whenever possible. The purpose of this part of the assignment is to give you experience writing up a technical exposition in detail. Final reports must be turned in no later than May 4th. Clinic students might be given an earlier deadline.
Homework Sets and Exams
Aside from the work outline above, I don't expect to assign additional required work for this course. In particular, as long as the class remains adequately engaged in the class material, I will not give any exams, quizzes, or official homework sets. Rather, I expect you to spend most of your out-of-class time working on your research project.


There will be no official text for this course. Lectures will for the most part be self-contained. Relevant papers and snippets from relevant texts will be provided as needed. For those of you that are interested, I recommend the following reference texts: Which book(s) would be best for you depends on who you are and what your needs are. I'd be happy to help you make a more informed decision about which books to buy, just stop by. Any of these classics would most certainly make a great addition to your technical collection.


Your grade in this class will be based on the following criteria: These criteria will be roughly weighted as indicated in bold.