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Some books for loan at BookCollection.
For Sale
For sale by MarcDavidson
- Calculus Third Edition, by Spivak
For sale by VictorWang
For sale by MikeBuchanan
- Rutledge Anthology of Renaissance Drama
- Hum 2 English with an accent Balseiro:
- Cambridge
- Heart of Darkness
- Our Sister Killjoy
- Foe
- FroshPhysics: Motion I (copyright 2004)
- FroshPhysics: Motion II (copyright 2005)
- FroshPhysics: An Introduction to Special Relativity, Helliwell, 2nd edition
- ProbStat?: Probability and Statistics, 6th edition, Devore
- FroshChem (?): Principles of Modern Chemistry by Oxtoby, Gillis, and Nachtrieb. Fourth edition. With study guide and student solutions manual.
- Stems: Notes from Fall 2004. They never change them anyhow.
- ???: The Nature of Mathematics, Karl Smith, fourth edition.
- Analysis: Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis 3rd Ed. (like new, ridiculously expensive retail, but I won't sell it for cheap)
For sale by RobinDobashi
- Genki I Workbook
- Not pristine, but unused.
For sale by HeatherJustice
- The Abstract Algebra book (Dummit and Foote, 3rd (?) edition) - RichardBowen
For Sale
- How much for an alumnus? Well, I'm a graduate student, so not expensive. You just have to stuff me into a tiny room to think about stuff and feed me Dr Pepper. --RobAdams
- I'll settle for MountainDew. And you can take me out of my box occasionally and play with me. err..umm..yeah. (see wanted below?...) --NickJohnson