
Difference (from prior author revision) (major diff)

Changed: 846,847c846,847
|| Pool Shark || RyanWaldman? || Best Pool Ever ||
|| Pooyan || RyanWaldman? || Shoot dinos (foxes?) to protect egg babies ||
|| Pool Shark || SophieWaldman? || Best Pool Ever ||
|| Pooyan || SophieWaldman? || Shoot dinos (foxes?) to protect egg babies ||

Changed: 854,858c854,858
|| Popper || RyanWaldman? || Kind of like Qbert - hop from tile to tile, painting them. Not always isometric. ||
|| Porky || RyanWaldman? || You're a pig driving a truck. Jump over obstacles, shoot bacon, collect pigs. ||
|| Port Man || RyanWaldman? || Grab luggage, throw it onto a ship. ||
|| Pot Game || RyanWaldman? || "Hold 4" (broken), plus once an error message in Italian ||
|| Poto Poto || RyanWaldman? || Kind of like upside-down Tetris / Bubble Bobble, but with different colored hexagons? ||
|| Popper || SophieWaldman? || Kind of like Qbert - hop from tile to tile, painting them. Not always isometric. ||
|| Porky || SophieWaldman? || You're a pig driving a truck. Jump over obstacles, shoot bacon, collect pigs. ||
|| Port Man || SophieWaldman? || Grab luggage, throw it onto a ship. ||
|| Pot Game || SophieWaldman? || "Hold 4" (broken), plus once an error message in Italian ||
|| Poto Poto || SophieWaldman? || Kind of like upside-down Tetris / Bubble Bobble, but with different colored hexagons? ||

Changed: 862,868c862,868
|| Power Drive || RyanWaldamn? || Kind of lame monster truck racing thing. Tap button a bunch to go. ||
|| Power Instinct || RyanWaldman? || Loads, then quits. ||
|| Power Instinct 2 || RyanWaldman? || Fighting game - some creepy old people as characters. ||
|| Power Instinct 3 - Groove On Fight || RyanWaldman? || Fighting game seemingly unrelated to the previous one. Can play as a guy with bombs for hands. ||
|| Power Instinct Legends || RyanWaldman? || Picks up where 2 left off - very weird. ||
|| Power Play || RyanWaldman? || 1 (plus goalie) on 1 arena soccer. ||
|| Power Spikes || RyanWaldman? || 1-button volleyball, where matches end in 3 points (?) ||
|| Power Drive || SophieWaldman? || Kind of lame monster truck racing thing. Tap button a bunch to go. ||
|| Power Instinct || SophieWaldman? || Loads, then quits. ||
|| Power Instinct 2 || SophieWaldman? || Fighting game - some creepy old people as characters. ||
|| Power Instinct 3 - Groove On Fight || SophieWaldman? || Fighting game seemingly unrelated to the previous one. Can play as a guy with bombs for hands. ||
|| Power Instinct Legends || SophieWaldman? || Picks up where 2 left off - very weird. ||
|| Power Play || SophieWaldman? || 1 (plus goalie) on 1 arena soccer. ||
|| Power Spikes || SophieWaldman? || 1-button volleyball, where matches end in 3 points (?) ||

Changed: 909c909
|| Puzz Loop 2 || RyanWaldman? || Like PuzzLoop?, but with bats? ||
|| Puzz Loop 2 || SophieWaldman? || Like PuzzLoop?, but with bats? ||

Changed: 919c919
|| Puzzle Club || RyanWaldman? || Sliding block puzzles, with a Pacman Story and Floor Exercise mode. Floor Exercise may RhymeWithCorn?. ||
|| Puzzle Club || SophieWaldman? || Sliding block puzzles, with a Pacman Story and Floor Exercise mode. Floor Exercise may RhymeWithCorn?. ||

Changed: 923c923
|| Puzzle Game Rong Rong || RyanWaldman? || Mahjong matching game - almost certainly RhymesWithCorn if you pick the wrong (right?) option. ||
|| Puzzle Game Rong Rong || SophieWaldman? || Mahjong matching game - almost certainly RhymesWithCorn if you pick the wrong (right?) option. ||

Part 1: FnordCompletionRun

I think we hit the character limit on the first one, guys.

Golden Tee 3D Golf AlexYoung & WilliamGrabill Pull, push, wait... pull, push, wait... it's like operating heavy machinery, except more boring!
Golden Tee Classic AlexYoung LONGEST PUTT EVAR!
Golden Tee EricAleshire LONGEST DRAW TIME EVAR! better controls, though
Golden Tee II EricAleshire better to hit the ball into the tree rather than turn and suffer more draw time
Golgo 13 EricAleshire Pretty enjoyable (albeit partially borked) lightgun sniper game based on a manga of the same name. Shoot women in the high-heels for $1.5 million.
Golly! Ghost! AlexYoung Lightgun reticle doesn't follow cursor. Backgrounds are broken.
Gomaku Narabe Renju AlexYoung It's Go. It's slow.
Gorf EricAleshire & WilliamGrabill Space Invaders ripoff. Firing a shot erases your previous shot from the screen.
Got-Cha Minigame Festival AlexYoung Red, green, blue buttons do not correlate to Fnord's buttons.
Gouketsuji Ichizoku AlexYoung "It's a ninja that looks like a football player." Purple spamming always wins.
Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryohrioh Cooking EricAleshire Thoroughly broken
GP Rider EricAleshire Bike did not explode. Disappointing.
Gradius 4: Fukkatsu AlexYoung Errors, then asks for test switch. Can't find it.
Gradius III AlexYoung Traditional side-scrolling shooter. Hard.
Grand Champion EricAleshire Circa 1981 racing game. Plays like one.
Grand Cross AndrewFarmer Broken
Grand Prix Star AndrewFarmer Racing game, screwy perspective.
Grand Striker (Grand Human Cup) AndrewFarmer Soccer game, even screwier perspective.
Grand Striker 2 AkashRakholia In your face, FIFA.
Grand Tour AkashRakholia Tetrisish
Gratia - Second Earth EricAleshire A very exciting green screen...of y'know...death. Broken.
Gravitar EricAleshire Vector graphic space shooter. Pretty diverse.
Great Guns EricAleshire Broken. Some interesting errors.
Great Sluggers '94 LeeWiyninger Baseball game with annoying controls.
Great Sluggers LeeWiyninger Same as above, but in Japanese!
Great Swordsman LeeWiyninger Fencing game
Green Beret LeeWiyninger Military-style punch things game with primitive graphics
Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer LeeWiyninger Typical military shooter with awesome name.
Gridiron Fight EricAleshire Football where you can kick 75 yard field goals and run through people.
GridLee? EricAleshire A strange ... action-like ... substance. Weird concept.
Grodba EricAleshire Rainbow tank fighting in the National Battle Association.
Ground Effects EricAleshire Racing games kind of suck without working pedals.
Growl EricAleshire | KKK used GROWL! It's not very effective!
Grudge Match SkyeBerghel & SarahLoeb Racing game. Probably originally used a steering wheel. Joysticks appear to have digital steering control. Tricky.
Guardian / Get Star AlexYoung Menu says "Guardian." Title screen says "GetStar?." Sidescrolling beat-em-up
Guardian Force AlexYoung Vertically scrolling tank shooter.
Guardians/Denjin? Makai II AlexYoung Side-scrolling beat-em-up
Guardians of the 'Hood AlexYoung CRAPPY side-scroll brawler. But, you can throw hobos at people.
Guerilla War AlexYoung Vert-scrolling on-foot shooter. Controls yo adjust your firing angle spin you around really fast.
Gulf Storm AlexYoung vert-scroll shooter
Gulf War II AlexYoung vert-scroll shooter
Gumbo! AlexYoung lame tetris-ish game
Gun Frontier AlexYoung steampunk vert-scroll shooter
Gun Dealer '94 LeeWiyninger Inexplicably named combination of Tetris and Poker.
Gun Dealer LeeWiyninger Like above; might RhymeWithCorn? if you do well enough
Gun Master LeeWiyninger Decent game; freezes after first boss.
Gun Smoke DanMoore Like a top-down shooter but in the Wild West. Hard.
Gunbarich DanMoore Takes a VERY long time to start. Surprisingly fun breakout with bosses
Gunbird DanMoore top-down shooter. With witches.
Gunbird 2 DanMoore More witches! Now also including Queen Pirates. Incomprehensible plot
Gunbuster DanMoore Very hard without a real gun. You sit in a non-Euclidean elevator while a red mechanical angel shoots rockets at you.
Gundhara DanMoore You are Rambo. Impossibly difficult.
Gunforce: Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island DanMoore Best. Name. Ever. Like Metal Slug but with worse gameplay and no hobos.
Gunforce 2 DanMoore Exactly like Metal Slug, except that the hobos are now women in bikinis.
Gunlock DanMoore Space shooter. Meh.
GunNail DanMoore Space shooter. Meh.
Gururin LeeWiyninger People falling into a rotating sqaure.
Guts'n LeeWiyninger A nurse goes into organs and jabs weird head-looking things with a needle to make them line up. As if it needed to be said, this game is in Japanese.
Guwange JeremyWestfahl Entertaining bullet curtain game.
Guzzler EricAleshire Put out fires in a Pacman-style game. Has 'extra chance' game over screen.
Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho JeremyWestfahl Cool puzzle game.
Gypsy Juggler EricAleshire Sadly you do not juggle gypsies in this game. Also, it's horrible.
Gyrodine JeremyWestfahl generic scrolling shooter
Gyruss JeremyWestfahl Galaga on a cylinder.
Hachoo! JeremyWestfahl crappy beat em up
HAL21 JeremyWestfahl generic scrolling shooter
Halley's Comet JeremyWestfahl ""
Hammerin' Harry WilliamGrabill ""
Hana Awase ArenOlson incomprehensible japanese card game
Hana Kagerou ArenOlson As above, but lacks the needed buttons to play
Hana Kanzashi ArenOlson ^^^
Hana No Mai ArenOlson ^^^
Hana Oriduru ArenOlson ^^^
Hana Oriduru ArenOlson as above but RhymesWithCorn
Hanagumi Taisen Columns - Sakura Wars ArenOlson & JeremyWestfahl tetris-ish game for 1 or 2. japanese
Hanaroku ArenOson? japanese card game
Hand, The JeremyWestfahl strange, Pacman-like game
Hang On ArenOlson motorbike racing game
Hang On Jr. JeremyWestfahl ""
Hangman ArenOlson exactly what it sounds like
Hard Rivin' ArenOlson & JeremyWestfahl couldn't turn key
Hard Dunk ArenOlson doesn't start
Hard hat ArenOlson
Hard Head JeremyWestfahl mediocre platformer
Hard Head 2 JeremyWestfahl ""
Hard Yardage LeeWiyninger mediocre football game
Hasamu LeeWiyninger Mahjong game. Actually playable.
Hat Trick LeeWiyninger One-on-one hockey.
Hatch Catch LeeWiyninger Easy/boring puzzle game.
Hatris EricAleshire Sounds like it's Totally Not Tetris...and it is. Plays closer to Yoshi's Cookie, or a generic stacker.
Haunted House EricAleshire Castlevania-alike... Why you should never get married on a dark and stormy night.
Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen EricAleshire Broken.
Head Panic EricAleshire Bubble-Bobble type where you attack by throwing your head. Also, only one life per credit.
Heart Attack EricAleshire What Pacman would be if it were done in reverse in boring fashion.
Heaven's Gate LeeWiyninger Similar to Beastorizer, but less awesome. This game is a cult classic.
Heavy Barrel LeeWiyninger Bird's-eye ground shooter. Meh.
Heavy Metal LeeWiyninger Tank game. Not at all related to the movie/comic of the same name.
Heavy Smash LeeWiyninger Advanced, futuristic handball with explosions. Awesome.
Heavyweight Champ EricAleshire It's like Punchout, except without the cool.
Hebereke no Popoon EricAleshire Puyo-Puyo type with some rule twist I don't get...and 1kg of sugary Japanese visuals mixed in.
HeliFire? EricAleshire Shoot helicopters down with a submarine. It's like Space Invaders.
Hellfire EricAleshire Space shooter, Gradius-like, seen that, done that. You can pick which direction to shoot though.
Hero EricAleshire Maze-exploration; going down produces a falling sound, therefore, your hero can fly in the y-plane. o_O
Hexa DanMoore 3-in-a-row. Annoying.
Hexion ChrisFerguson & MattKeeter Tetris, but with a hexagonal grid. Fun!
High Impact Football MattKeeter & TimNguyen An epicly awesome football game.
High Way Race MattKeeter & DanMoore Asian Course!
HippoDrome? MattKeeter & DanMoore OMG Gladiators!
Hit 'n Miss MattKeeter & DanMoore Yes, yes it is.
Hit me MattKeeter No.
Hit the Ice DanMoore It's hockey, it an even more brutal, simplistic way
Hoccer AlexYoung Like broomball, except you kill the enemy team with the broom. And the ball.
Hole Land AlexYoung Like Space Invaders and Galaxian, except the invaders keep hiding in holes as they advance, and steal your robot legs if they get to the bottom!
Holosseum N/A Does not start
Honey Dolls AlexYoung RhymesWithCorn
Hook AlexYoung side-scroll beat-em-up with Peter Pan
Hoops '96 MichaelNoback and AlexMcauley? Basketball. You can blow up the hoop.
Hopper Robo MichaelNoback and AlexMcauley? Stupid robot and shit falls on your head.
Hopping Mappy AlexMcAuley It's like animals on pogo sticks
Horizon MichaelNoback Not 3D but wants to be 3D.
Hot Blocks II AlexMcauley? Titris.
Hot Chase MichaelNoback There is a bomb in your car time is running out it will explode soon
Hot Mind LeeWiyninger Italian space slot machine tetris
Hot Pinball AlexMcauley? See Gals Pinball.
House Mannequin ? Mahjong
House Mannequin Rappongi ? As above
Hunchback MichaelNoback & MattKeeter Really hard platformer
Hunchback Olympics MattKeeter Sucks.
Hustle MattKeeter Idiotic Snake clone
Hydra MattKeeter Awesome pseudo-3D flying boat game
I'm Sorry MichaelNoback The prime minister of Japan fights such formidable foes as OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson all while attempting to steal gold from the bank. (You forgot to mention how he gets dominatrix'd if he gets caught by his guards.)
I, Robot AdamField Less to do with Asimov than the movie did, impressively.
Idol Janshi Su-Chi-Pie 2 LeeWiyninger Doesn't work
Idol Janshi Su-Chi-Pie Special LeeWiyninger Mahjong; possibly RhymesWithCorn
Idol no Himitsu LeeWiyninger More mahjong
Idol Mahjong Final-Romance EricAleshire Probably RhymesWithCorn, and dubious workingness.
Idol Mahjong Housoukyoku EricAleshire The lady on the title screen winked at me...
Iemoto LeeWiyninger "Little sister!?" Also RhymesWithCorn mahjong.
Ikari III: The Rescue LeeWiyninger Punch-things game with button turning.
Ikari Warriors EricAleshire & AndreyShur See above.
Ikki AndreyShur Epilepsy-inducing ninja-beat-em-up.
Image Fight AndreyShur Top-down airplane game. Typical.
Imago EricAleshire This is totally not Centipede.
Imekura Mahjong ? Don't even need to boot this up to tell it RhymesWithCorn.
In the Hunt EricAleshire Submarine side-scrolling shooter. Cool continue countdown. Awesome alliteration!
Indian Battle ChrisFerguson Sort of like space invaders, but the invaders are a bunch of Indians who run around wildly
Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom ChrisFerguson Pretty much what it sounds like
Indoor Soccer ChrisFerguson Broken Controls
Inferno ChrisFerguson Bad Controls -> "Thy Game is Over"
Insector ChrisFerguson Play as a can of RAID to fight a bunch of bugs
Insector X ChrisFerguson Fight as a fly with a machine gun against a bunch of other bugs
International Cup '94 AlexYoung Soccer with ridiculous amounts of allowed fouling, including knocking the referee over.
Intrepid AlexYoung
Invinco EricAleshire Space Invaders...from 1979.
Invinco/Deep? Scan LeeWiyninger As above, PLUS that battleship vs. submarines game!
Invinco / Head On 2 EricAleshire HEAD ON! Apply directly to the ... eh, whatever. Above plus Pacman-slash-Chicken.
IQ-Block EricAleshire Falling block puzzler where you have to match runs of 3 ... or something.
Iron Horse EricAleshire "GIVE A PUNCH. WISH YOUR SUCCESS". Side-scrolling beat-em-up, except cruder.
Iron Stewart's Super Off Road EricAleshire Top down racer. I like trivial car upgrades that require multiple races.
Iron Stewart's Super Off Road Track Pack EricAleshire Totally different. You can pick a different exactly-the-same car!
Irritating Maze AlexYoung Use joystick to pass circle thru maze. You get zapped if you touch the sides.
J-League Soccer V-Shoot EricAleshire Meh soccer game. Graphics crash after one game.
J.J. Squawkers EricAleshire Cutesy-crack platfomer. You shoot self-propelling feet shoes.
Jackrabbit EricAleshire Psuedo isometric Pacman. I think the rabbit talked to me.
Jack the Giantkiller EricAleshire Mo' like Jack the Pussy That Keeps Falling Off Trees.
Jackal EricAleshire Move up, shoot things, etc
Jail Break ColleenSullivan Police brutality
Jan Jan Paradise SkyeBerghel First there is something vaguely dominoes-like. Then it appears to RhymeWithCorn?. All text is in Japanese, so entire game is unclear.
Jan Jan Paradise 2 SkyeBerghel The sequel!
Jin SkyeBerghel I would surmise that the screen has been cut off at the bottom, because it appears that there are things shooting at something offscreen to the bottom.
Jitsuroku Maru-Chi Mahjong SkyeBerghel & ChrisSauro It's Japanese and it's Mahjong. Therefore it RhymesWithCorn. From Chris: "There are letters! I pressed a button and things hapened."
Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu SkyeBerghel & ChrisSauro Baseball. "I love 2D games that require depth perception!"
Jockey Grandprix SkyeBerghel & ChrisSauro "LOSE!" Could not figure out how to make things go.
Joe & Mac Returns SkyeBerghel & ChrisSauro Platformer with cavemen.
Joinem AlexYoung Neat Pac-Man-ish game where you need to use walls to join five walking hats together, then eat the enemies remaining on stage.
Jolly Jogger AlexYoung Pac-Man with tracing lines instead of eating pellets
Jong Tou Ki AlexYoung Mah-Jong with broken controls
Journey AlexYoung Low-budget crappy game starring the cut-out heads of Journey. 8-bit version of "Don't Stop Believin'" plays. Like WarioWare?, except with Journey.
Joust AlexYoung The classic. Bop the enemy jousters at any point where you're higher up than they are.
Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest AlexYoung More Joust.
Joyful Road LeeWiyninger Driving game; controls don't work.
Jr. Pac-Man LeeWiyninger Totally not the same game as normal Pacman. This one has slightly larger levels! and a propeller cap! and edible bicycles!
Judge Dredd LeeWiyninger Why, God? Why?
Jump Bug LeeWiyninger A VW Bug jumps across rooftops and collects bags of money.
Jump Coaster ChrisFerguson Jump around with no weapons, then die
Jump Kids ChrisFerguson Fails to Start
Jump Shot ChrisFerguson You get a lot of play for 1 credit. But it isn't very fun.
Jumping Cross EricAleshire Utterly forgettable old-style top-down driver.
Jumping Jack EricAleshire You can only move by jumping.
Jumping Pop EricAleshire A very 'new' game (2001), Bubble-Bobble type, attack by sucking up and spitting enemies Kirby-style with a Luigi's Mansion vacuum...and...for some reason there are random anime girls in the background. I think it's pirated fanart, one of them has GOT to be Sakura Kinomoto.
Jungle King EricAleshire A timing game, jump from one vine to the next. Over. And over. And over.
Jungler EricAleshire Mutant hybrid of Centipede, Pacman, and probably something else.
Juno First LeeWiyninger Grid shooter with unclear objectives.
Jurassic Park LeeWiyninger Doesn't start. How sad.
Jyanshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster LeeWiyninger Battle Mahjong!!! Controls don't work.
Kabuki-Z LeeWiyninger Boring hack-n'-slash
Kageki EricAleshire Chibi Japanese one-on-one beat-em-up. I suck.
Kaiser Knuckle EricAleshire 2D fighter featuring Boggy the Dancing Master.
Kaitei Sagara Tadashi EricAleshire Don't get hit by the sharks. You only get to press the move / don't move button. Black and white!
Kamikaze Cabbie EricAleshire It's like Crazy Taxi! From 1984! Way cool!
Kanatsuen no Onna EricAleshire Obviously RhymesWithCorn from the title, but unplayable anyway.
Kangaroo RichardBowen You're a kangaroo. Monkeys throw cherries at you.
Kaos LeeWiyninger You're in a maze, and you have to collect coins and kill crocodiles.
Karaoke Quiz Intro Don Don! LeeWiyninger Quiz game in Japanese; takes forever to get anywhere.
Karate Blazers EricAleshire Side-scroller beat-em-up. Yay.
Karate Champ EricAleshire Looks like real karate. Looks like it needs too many joysticks to work.
Karate Tournament, The EricAleshire Again, real karate, but with eXtreme fire and better playing.
Karian Cross EricAleshire Heavily anime-styled Korean Puyo Puyo. Lends itself to epic combos. My record is something like 81 x 3 garbage. XD
Karnov LeeWiyninger Get a map to find treasure!!!
Karnov's Revenge AlexYoung Crappy fighting game
Ken-Go AlexYoung simple side-scroll samurai beat-em-up
Kick AlexYoung catch/pop/kick falling balloons as a clown on a unicycle
Kick and Run EricAleshire Why why why do I suck so much at soccer
Kick Off EricAleshire See above, except a little less.
Kick Rider EricAleshire Top-down old-style biker. Boring. (Ding!)
Kick Start Wheelie King EricAleshire Lacks wheelies.
Kicker EricAleshire By contrast, this delivers exactly what's on the box. (Ding!)
Kid Niki - Radical Ninja AlexYoung "You are a totally rad ninja swordsman. Princess Margo is being held captive by the stone wizard. Save her! Good luck dude!"
Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen EricAleshire It's generic.
KiKi? KaiKai? EricAleshire Something about dead ancestors in a boat getting spirited away.
Kikiipaatsu Mayumi-chan EricAleshire Yeah, mahjong, broken, whatever
Killer Comet EricAleshire The title screen! It's pastel green!
Killer Instinct EricAleshire Broken. Think it was a fighter.
Killer Instinct 2 EricAleshire Broken.
King & Balloon EricAleshire Kind of like Galaxian. The one protection mission in any game that's significantly easy.
King of Boxer EricAleshire Boxing game. I'd prefer King of Boxers.
King of Dragons, The EricAleshire Ye olde side-scroller beat-em-up...AGAIN.
King of Fighters '94, The LeeWiyninger Sub-par fighting game (successor to Fatal Fury series)
King of Fighters '95, The AlexYoung second verse, same as the first
King of Fighters '96, The AlexYoung third verse, same as the first
King of Fighters '97, The AlexYoung choose between the new (Advanced) or old (Extra) method of gauge building; new mode is more aggressive and complex
King of Fighters '98, The Slugfest AlexYoung same as '97. but Extra mode now has a new evade-counter system
King of Fighters '99 Millennium Battle AlexYoung Extra mode is gone; introduction of assist characters and max gauge Attack and Armor modes
King of Fighters 2000 AlexYoung same as '99
King of Fighters 2001 AlexYoung can designate 0-3 teammates as assist characters; more assists gives more gauge levels but fewer fighters
King of Fighters 2002 AlexYoung assists are gone; gauge levels used for strong supers or for short period of unlimited weaker supers
King of Fighters 2003 (Japanese) AlexYoung teammates can be switched at will; new special switch-character attack
King of Fighters 2003 (English) AlexYoung this version has English How To Play instructions
King of the Monsters AlexYoung simple giant monster beat-em-up
King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing AlexYoung about the same as the last one
Kirameki Star Road EricAleshire "Do I look like I play Japanese dating porn quiz games?!"
Kitten Kaboodle EricAleshire Groan. Secret gambling game hidden inside top-down Lolo-type.
Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle EricAleshire Generic 2D fighter. Features the "Joker" who wears rollerskaters and throws Card-dokens.
Klax EricAleshire "It is the nineties and it is time for ... " some futuristic puzzler.
Klondike+ EricAleshire Solitaire ... in Korean! Also, freezes.
Knights of the Round EricAleshire Another medieval beat-em-up ... this one's of good quality, at least.
Knights of Valor EricAleshire A feudal beat-em-up.
Knuckle Bash EricAleshire HAADO GEI beat-em-up. No, not really. Maybe. Who knows.
Knuckle Heads EricAleshire 2D fighter. Kind of outdated.
Knuckle Joe AndrewFarmer Yet another awful beat-em-up
Koi Koi Shimasho 2 AndrewFarmer Doesn't run
Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari AndrewFarmer Puyo clone, in which I just got owned by a cow. WTF.
Konami GT ColleenSullivan Racing
Koro Koro Quest ColleenSullivan Dice rolling game?? In Japanese.
Kosodata Quiz My Angel EricAleshire A Japanese quiz game ... and it looks clean!? Seems to be a child-raising sim quiz game, not sketchy at all. Just strange.
Kosodata Quiz My Angel 2 EricAleshire Kosodata Quiz confirmed for Brawl - I mean, confirmed clean. The Japanese surprise me.
Kosodata Quiz My Angel 3 EricAleshire You get the point ... but now it's a strange resolution and ugly.
Kotetsu Yousai Strahl EricAleshire Decent side-scroller shmup that lets you customize your ship. Cool.
Kozmik Kroozr EricAleshire ROLOL HAY GUYZ LOOK HOW GUD I SPEL also the game kind of sucks
Kram EricAleshire Stuck on first screen. Probably needs test button or something.
Krazy Bowl EricAleshire Do you see how crazy this is? So crazy they can't even spell crazy.
Krull AlexYoung 2P red moves left, 2P down moves right ... otherwise you can't move.
Kung-fu Master AlexYoung Punch guys in pink sweaters who are trying to hug you to death.
Kung-fu Taikun AlexYoung Concentration plus little dudes trying to turn you into banana custard.
Kuri Kinton AlexYoung Side-scroller beat-em-up.
Kyros AlexYoung Eat babies to power-up.
Kyuukai Dochuuki AlexYoung
Lady Bug AlexYoung Interesting take on Pacman.
Lady Frog AlexYoung Diabolical Frogger.
Lady Killer AlexYoung RhymesWithCorn.
LandMaker? AlexYoung Variation on Bust-a-Move.
Land Sea Air Squad AlexYoung. Shitty Contra game.
Las Vegas Girl ? Obviously RhymesWithCorn.
Laser Ghost ? Light gun game. Unplayable.
Lasso AlexYoung Never playing this one again.
Last Blade, the AlexYoung & WilliamGrabill Simplistic sword-fighter. "Speed mode: the ultimate offensive orgy!"
Last Blade II, the AlexYoung & WilliamGrabill same game, with air-counters.
Last Day, the AlexYoung Typical vertical shooter.
Last Duel AlexYoung vertical road shooter
Last Fortress AlexYoung it's Taipei (the tile game, not the place)
Last Mission AlexYoung Vertical shooter, but you can move in whatever direction you want
Last Resort AlexYoung R-Type clone (or predecessor?)... very unforgiving in terms of checkpoints
Last Striker AlexYoung chibi soccer game... winner gets to kick balls at the losing team
Lazer Command AlexYoung really old-looking tank game
Leader Board ? Golf game. Broken. Happily.
League Bowling EricAleshire Described as Hard Gay Bowling, although not quite true.
Legend LeeWiyninger Throw bags of money at soldiers to get them to fight for you.
Legend of Hero Tonma AlexYoung side-scroll beat-em-up with ranged attack
Legend of Kage AlexYoung actually a pretty fun side-move ninja beat-em-up with really high jumping. clear a stage of enemies to move on.
Legend of Makai AlexYoung side-move beat-em-up with inventory
Legend of Silkroad, The LeeWiyninger Fun side-scrolling beat-em-up
Legend of Success Joe / Ashitano Joe Densetsu LeeWiyninger Boxing game
Legendary Wings LeeWiyninger Hybrid of a vertical shooter and a side-scrolling platformer
Lemmings AlexYoung The very same Lemmings you may know and love
Leprechaun AlexYoung ridiculously easy game; humans annihilate with leprechauns
Lethal Crash Race AlexYoung Contains no lethal crashes
Lethal Enforcers AlexYoung Light gun game: shooting off-screen to reload only works in the bottom left corner
Lethal Enforcers 2: Gun Fighters AlexYoung reload doesn't work at all this time, but that's okay, because the first level enemies are terrible shots
Lethal Justice AlexYoung light gun game; accidentally shoot '80's women during target practice
Lethal Thunder AlexYoung vert-scroll shooter where your weapon powers up the more you button-spam
Levers ColleenSullivan Jump on levers, collect stuff, avoid rolling balls
Libble Rabble AlexYoung control mappings are almost completely borked
Liberation ColleenSullivan Helicopter top scroller
Liberator EricAleshire Lightgun-type vector shooter.
Libero Grande EricAleshire First-person 3D laggy soccer game.
Lightning Fighters AlexYoung typical vert-scroll shooter
Line of Fire AlexYoung Machine gun light-gun game
Liquid Kids LeeWiyninger Fuzzy thing kills baddies with water.
Live-Gal Rhymes with corn
Lizard Wizard OzzieGooen? Avoid things in a jet and kill bad guys
Lock'n'Chase JoshuaEhrlich pac man clone
Loco motion JoshuaEhrlich variation of pipe dream
Lode Runner EricAleshire Hey, I know this game. Hey, I forgot how to suck.
Lode Runner - the Dig Fight EricAleshire Same thing, but with cooler style.
Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back EricAleshire Same thing, but the same.
Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth EricAleshire So I finally beat level 1 this time. lolfrosh
Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano EricAleshire A little peppier, and the tileset changes.
Logger ColleenSullivan DK-ish
Logic Pro ColleenSullivan ...for a second misread this as Logger Pro
Logic Pro 2 ColleenSullivan
Long Hu Bang ColleenSullivan Broken. In Japanese. Probably NSFW if it worked.
Long Hu Bang 2 ColleenSullivan Same
Looping ColleenSullivan WTF controls
Lost Tomb ColleenSullivan Broken
Lotlot ColleenSullivan Cooperative with yourself, rather like Cursor*10.
Lotto Fun EricAleshire Broken
Lotto Fun 2 EricAleshire No, no it isn't. Also, redemption game.
Lovely Cards AlexYoung 5-card draw poker. 3 of the 5 hold buttons are unbound, so it's broken.
Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang? Shimasho EricAleshire Broken. Probably sketchy.
Lovely Pop Mahjong JangJang? Shimasho 2 EricAleshire See previous.
Lucky & Wild EricAleshire Lightgun game with driving. Neither component fully functions.
Lunar Lander EricAleshire You created a two-mile crater. Ding ding.
Lunar Rescue AndrewFarmer Like Lunar Lander, except with subsequent takeoff. And aliens.
M.I.A: Missing In Action AndrewFarmer R.A.S: Redundant Acronym Syndrome
Mace: The Dark Age ? Broken
Mach Breakers EricAleshire Futuristic Olympics. Keymapping broken.
Macross Plus EricAleshire Shmup. Ranka not included.
Mad Alien EricAleshire "Exciting! Thrilling! Entertaining!" Lying.
Mad Ball EricAleshire Surprise butts - er, surprise RhymesWithCorn.
Mad Crasher EricAleshire Isometric driving and shooting game type thing thing.
Mad Donna EricAleshire Surprise RhymesWithCorn (again), except this time in hax Pacman.
Mad Gear EricAleshire Driving is fun. Game is mediocre.
Mad Motor EricAleshire Biker gang guy fights rollerbladers with knives on the highway. Hard to die.
Mad Planets EricAleshire Shoot the planets that are out to kill you ... ?
Mad Shark EricAleshire Shmup. I can hear the music!
Mag Max EricAleshire Gradius-type with built-in fast-forward key.
Magic Bubble ColleenSullivan Puzzle Bobble
Magic Johnson's Fast Break ? It broke fast, yes. Unplayable.
Magic Sticks EricAleshire Maybe sketchy, definitely stupid.
Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy EricAleshire Hey, want to hear my fantasy about MY magic swor - I mean, uh, another beat-em-up.
Magic's 10 EricAleshire I think it's video poker. Difficult button mappings.
Magical Cat Adventure ColleenSullivan Cat sidescroller
Magical Crystals LeeWiyninger Save the pixies!
Magical Date ColleenSullivan In Japanese. Probably porn.
Magical Drop II EricAleshire There is no Magical Drop I. Like Puzzle Bobble, but not.
Magical Drop III EricAleshire It's actually a very solid bubble-puzzler. Different mechanics than Puzzle Bobble, but still fun.
Magical Spot EricAleshire OH GOD THE INNUENDO but it's actually just a space shooter (non-shmup)
Magical Spot II EricAleshire See above ... also, I suck at this.
Magician Lord EricAleshire Platformer. I need to stop applying 'bum rush' theory to every game.
Magix / Rock ? Obvious RhymesWithCorn
Mahjong, the EricAleshire Mahjong Speed Run, start 1:36 PM. ryc, keymap. [Note: ryc is shorthand for RhymesWithCorn, which I assume if I see a girl prominently displayed, ever. Keymap means that you need 14 keys mapped to the right spot to play, something we don't have.
Mahjong EricAleshire 8-bit style! Probably clean, keymap
Mahjong 4P Simasyo EricAleshire Your character looks like such a geeky pervert. ryc, keymap
Mahjong Angel Kiss EricAleshire broken
Mahjong Angels - Comic Theater vol.2 EricAleshire ryc, keymap
Mahjong Banana Dream EricAleshire lol banana sucking. ryc, keymap
Mahjong Block Jongbou EricAleshire It's like Arkanoid mixed with Mahjong! And playable! Way cool. ryc.
Mahjong Camera Kozou EricAleshire Nothing new here. ryc, keymap
Mahjong Camera Kozou EricAleshire Duplicate. See above.
Mahjong Campus Hunting EricAleshire Title makes me lol. ryc, keymap
Mahjong Channel Zoom In EricAleshire You play as a SD robot. Coin-in sound is "Irashaimase!" keymap, maybe ryc.
Mahjong Chinmoku no Hentai EricAleshire lol title. Also, you pick a tank, war zone, and weapons...then play mahjong. keymap, ryc.
Mahjong Chuukanejyo EricAleshire How do the Japanese have 14-button arcade machines? keymap, ryc.
Mahjong Circuit no Mehyou EricAleshire This one has race cars as its gimmick. keymap, ryc.
Mahjong Clinic EricAleshire Reminds me of this comic: http://tinyurl.com/5pca72 followed by http://tinyurl.com/56bw9u. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Club 90's EricAleshire Running in the 90s... keymap, ryc
Mahjong Daiyogen EricAleshire Weird occult mahjong. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Derringer EricAleshire I'm the vice! keymap, ryc
Mahjong Dial Q2 EricAleshire Dial Q2 for ... Qhymes With Corn? keymap, ryc
Mahjong Diplomat EricAleshire Needs more George Bush Mahjong - http://tinyurl.com/6y3pus keymap, unconfirmed ryc
Mahjong Doukyuusei EricAleshire Google says "Mahjong Classmates". Those silly Japanese. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Doukyuusei Special EricAleshire This is not familiar at all. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Electron Base EricAleshire HAHA YES title! Unfortunately, it's just one of the above games, repackaged. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Erotica Golf EricAleshire Because in Japan hot girls play golf, not old white men. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Focus EricAleshire Nothing to say. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Friday EricAleshire lol creepy cameraperv player. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Fun Club - Idol Saizensen EricAleshire All these games are so stacked. You start with 1/10 the points of the girl. keymap, ryc
Mahjong G-MEN'89 EricAleshire My God doesn't it hurt to stand like that shoving your boobs out all the time? keymap, ryc
Mahjong Gakuen EricAleshire "Mahjong School". Broken.
Mahjong Gakuen 2 Gakuen-chou no Fukushuu EricAleshire Not just schoolgirls. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Gakuensai EricAleshire Has password system? keymap, ryc
Mahjong Gakuensai 2 EricAleshire It's like an adventure game (with mahjong). keymap, ryc
Mahjong Gal 10-renpatsu EricAleshire You don't even get to pick which girl. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Gal no Kaika EricAleshire Rescue the girl using the power of mahjong! keymap, ryc
Mahjong Gal no Kokuhaku EricAleshire "Mahjong Girl's Confession". Holy crap, you start losing 1000 to 25000 against the girl. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Gottsu ee-kanji EricAleshire "Mahjong Feeling Really Good" (?). keymap, ryc
Mahjong Hana no Momoko-gumi EricAleshire Are we there yet? keymap, ryc
Mahjong Hourouki Gaiden EricAleshire Would you play Mahjong Ninja Gaiden? keymap, ryc
Mahjong Hourouki Okite EricAleshire I'm not sure if you play as or against the serial rapist here. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Hourouki Part 1 - Seisyun-Hen EricAleshire Wait, you're playing against nerdy guys, what!? Screw that, where's my Watanagashi-hen? keymap, maybe ryc
Mahjong Housoukyoku Honbanchu EricAleshire Broken.
Mahjong Hyper Reaction EricAleshire Broken.
Mahjong Hyper Reaction 2 EricAleshire Broken. Maybe I'm getting a lucky break. *rimshot*
Mahjong Janjan Baribari EricAleshire "Mahjong Ta-da! Crunch"? My translator hurts. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Jikken Love Story EricAleshire Defeat computer, get naked women. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Jogakuen EricAleshire "Mahjong University"? Features actual women, instead of pixelated ones. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Kaguyahime Sono2? EricAleshire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaguyahime - keymap, ryc
Mahjong Kaguyahime EricAleshire [Eirin, Eirin, tasukete Eirin...] Press 2P Start to strip character with enough credits? OK... keymap, ryc
Mahjong Kakumei EricAleshire "Mahjong Revolution". Not revolutionary. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Kakumei 2 - Princess League EricAleshire Baseball-based. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Keibaou EricAleshire Horse-based. Uh, OK. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Kinjiraeta Asobi EricAleshire "The Forbidden Game". Google says this is a song in Rozen Maiden. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Koi no Magic Potion EricAleshire "Love's Magic Potion". I swear all the women look the same. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Koi Uranai EricAleshire "Love Fortune-telling." Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Kojinkyouji EricAleshire "Private Teacher"? This one you start down 30000 to 1000. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Kyoretsuden EricAleshire You get to customize your face in this one! keymap, maybe not ryc
Mahjong Kyou Jidai EricAleshire "Age of Mahjong"? Girl sits in giant drinking glass. keymap, ryc
Mahjong La Man EricAleshire Who la man? You la man. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Lemon Angel EricAleshire Seems to be based off an anime? keymap, ryc
Mahjong Nanpa Story EricAleshire A sign with an "18" on it is crossed out on the title screen. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Natsu Monogatari EricAleshire "Summer Tale". You get flashed by a guy in a trenchcoat. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Nerae! Top Star EricAleshire "Aim for the Top Star". Freaky disembodied enthusiastic girl head. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Neruton Haikujirada EricAleshire This Dynax company seems to do a lot of mahjong games. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Pachinko Monogatari EricAleshire EXACT copy of ... one of the above games. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Panic Stadium EricAleshire Baseball-based. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Pon Chin Kan EricAleshire Those are Mahjong SFX. Broken.
Mahjong Quest EricAleshire By Taito, so it's probably clean. keymap
Mahjong Reach Ippatsu EricAleshire Seems innocuous. Isn't. I don't understand Japan and maids. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Ren-ai Club EricAleshire "Ren'ai" is a name for visual novels (i.e. mostly dating sims). keymap, ryc
Mahjong Rokumeikan EricAleshire "Deer Cry Hall" ?? 90-50-95? Don't BS me, game. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Sailor Wars EricAleshire This is Totally Not Sailor Moon. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Satsujin Jiken EricAleshire "Murder mystery". I want to understand the logic behind this so bad. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Scout Man EricAleshire Meh, I'm not bothering with the Title Screen ryc ones anymore.
Mahjong Shikaku EricAleshire Shikaku is a type of logic puzzle? keymap, ryc
Mahjong Sisters EricAleshire This game has 4 digits in the credit counter. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Studio 101 EricAleshire Probably ryc, given the company. Also, keymap.
Mahjong The Dai Chuuka Ken EricAleshire I don't get this "push Rate or Start" thing. keymap, ryc
Mahjong THE LADY HUNTER EricAleshire Is that the batmobile!? Also CAPS ARE COOL. keymap, ryc
Mahjong The Mysterious World EricAleshire Bugger off, Dynax. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Triple Wars EricAleshire Medieval mahjong. keymap, ryc
Mahjong Triple Wars 2 EricAleshire I CAN SEE THE ENDING! keymap, ryc
Mahjong Uchuu yori Ai wo Komete EricAleshire "From Space With Love" ?? keymap, ryc
Mahjong Uranai Densetsu EricAleshire "Fortune-Telling Legend" ? Seems obvious ryc, likely keymap
Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome EricAleshire Uh, OK, whatever you say, English title. Seems obvious ryc, likely keymap.
Mahjong Vitamin C EricAleshire Vitamin C has never been so ... sexy? I guess. ryc, keymap
Mahjong Wakuwaku Catcher EricAleshire The main guy looks like a Katamari Damacy reject. ryc, keymap
Mahjong Yarunara EricAleshire This one has the atmosphere of a crazed Japanese game show. ryc, keymap
Mahjong Yoshimoto Gekijou EricAleshire You can play against guys, so it may be clean. keymap
Mahjong Yuugi EricAleshire Voice acting, hmm? ryc, keymap
Mahjong-yougo no Kisotairyoku EricAleshire You know what really makes me want to play ryc mahjong games? Crazed beat-up guys on the tile screen. Wait, no. JUST ONE MORE! keymap
Mahjong-zukino Korinai Menmen EricAleshire DONE! PARTY! WOOT! CAPS LOCK! Finish 3:23 PM. Took just under 2 hours. Word says there are 91 games. I don't believe it. keymap, ryc
Mahou Daisakusen LeeWiyninger Vaguely medieval-themed vertical shooter. Not too difficult.
Maikobana LeeWiyninger Mahjong game? Only one button works. Also, possibly NSFL. Both versions are the same.
Main Event LeeWiyninger Boxing game; controls didn't appear to work.
Main Event, The LeeWiyninger Wrestling game (actually not the same as above), controls are confusing.
Major Havoc LeeWiyninger Primitive vertical shooter that turns into a platformer.
Major League EricAleshire Baseball game with funny refresh rate and broken keys.
Major Title LeeWiyninger Golf game that is actually playable. Trees are evil.
Major Title 2 LeeWiyninger Totally not the same as the previous game.
Mania Challenge LeeWiyninger Wrestling; inexplicable controls
Maniac Square LeeWiyninger Not-too-fun puzzle game
Many Block AlexYoung tile slider puzzle game with slot machine symbols
Mappy EricAleshire Policemouse action-type game. Either keys are broken or you can't attack.
Marble Madness EricAleshire Madness? THIS! IS! A pretty catchy game. You know this one.
Marchen Maze AlexYoung isometric platform shooter. knock off enemies while avoiding getting knocked off yourself.
Marine Boy EricAleshire Punch fish with a boxing glove and collect a mermaid harem for points.
Mariner EricAleshire Underwater shooter (that looks like it's in space) on acid.
Mario Bros EricAleshire wtf is this shit this mario thing will never catch on
Markham EricAleshire "GAME START LET'S CHALLENGE" It's a sidescroller shmup-type.
Mars EricAleshire Controls are non-trivially messed up.
Mars Matrix EricAleshire Slick shmup. Good graphics. Would play again. Short sentence length. Running gag.
Martial Champion EricAleshire A poorly made 2D fighter.
Maru-chan de Goo! EricAleshire You fight in the Ramen Olympics against Jetpack Man with mustache...or something.
Marvel Land LeeWiyninger Cheesy platformer.
Marvel Super Heroes EricAleshire A fighting game I'm not entirely horrible at.
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter LeeWiyninger Fighting game that actually uses all 6 buttons!
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Superheroes EricAleshire Nevermind, I really suck at fighting games.
Marvin's Maze EricAleshire Pac-man ... in 3D. Kind of.
Masked Rider's Club Battle Race DmitriSkjorshammer top-view motobike race game full of obstacles.
Master of Weapon ColleenSullivan Bottom shooter
Mat Mania LeeWiyninger Why do I always get stuck with the wrestling games?
Matrimelee \ Shin Gouketsuji Ichizo LeeWiyninger Fighting game. Play as Poochie!
Mausuke no Ojama the World LeeWiyninger Tetris-like; weird rules.
Max RPM LeeWiyninger Primitive racer
Maximum Force V. 1.05 DmitriSkjorshammer Does not work!
Maya AlexYoung This looks harmless... (inserts coin) ... oh, RhymesWithCorn.
MayDay? AlexYoung Really really old side-scroll pixel shooter
Mayhem 2002 AlexYoung control movement and arms of a football player while trying to throw a ball into one of four goals. poor collision physics.
Mayjinsen 2 AlexYoung Appears to be Shogi (Japanese chess). Works, but I don't know the rules.
Maze of Flott AlexYoung Strange detective-like game, except your detective is in an old red VW Beetle
Mazinger Z AlexYoung Ah, old giant robot anime. Top-scroll shooter with life bar, melee, and chargeable attacks.
Meadows Lanes AlexYoung Really crappy bowling. Press blue to throw ball. Press green to make ball suddenly move diagonally left.
Mechanized Attack LeeWiyninger Appears to be a light-gun game
Medal Mahjong Circuit no Mahyou EricAleshire THE MAHJONG GAMES, WHY ARE THEY BACK also I like caps lock
Medal Mahjong Gottsu ee-Kanji EricAleshire Medal Mahjong something "feeling good". Uh yeah.
Medal Mahjong Pachi-Slot Tengoku EricAleshire Mahjong Pachinko (?) Heaven. Note all these games feature the same crappy pixelated girl
Mega Blast EricAleshire Side scroller shmup; strange shooting; sexy scaution screens. Sorta spiffy.
Mega Man - The Power Battle EricAleshire Where's my Air Man music? Also I suck at Mega Man.
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters LeeWiyninger Decent fighter.
Mega Twins LeeWiyninger Side-scrolling platformer.
Mega Zone ColleenSullivan Top-scrolling tank game.
Megadon AlexYoung Top-scrolling Asteroids-like shooter. Free acid trip every time you die!
Megatack ColleenSullivan No giant tacks. Disappointing.
Meijinsen ColleenSullivan Japanese chess, in Japanese.
Meikyu Jima ColleenSullivan Japanese puzzle adventure
Meosis Magic ColleenSullivan Black screen
Mercs ColleenSullivan Run, shoot, etc
Merlins Money Maze ColleenSullivan Beat the computer through a maze. The computer that never pauses or makes wrong turns.
Meta Fox ColleenSullivan Airplane bottom shooter. Controls are too sluggish to really work.
Metal Black ColleenSullivan Side shooter. Lots of powerups but everything can kill you.
Metal Clash ColleenSullivan Floaty gundams
Metal Hawk ColleenSullivan Broken
Metal Saver ColleenSullivan & TrevinMurakami Not a WWII home front propaganda game, as one might expect.
Metal Slug ColleenSullivan Army side scroller. Pretty fun.
Metal Slug 2 ColleenSullivan Remember that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark when the guy is doing all the crazy sword moves and Indiana Jones just shoots him?
Metal Slug 3 LeeWiyninger See above.
Metal Slug 4 LeeWiyninger As above, but slightly more fun.
Metal Slug 5 LeeWiyninger ''
Metal Slug X LeeWiyninger Ride an armed camel!
Metamoquester LeeWiyninger Fairly difficult fighting game that pits you against some weird house thing.
Metamorphic Force LeeWiyninger Side-scrolling action game in which you turn into a furry.
Metro-Cross LeeWiyninger Jump over soda cans and other things.
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker LeeWiyninger Doesn't work, thankfully.
Midnight Resistance LeeWiyninger Dad, Mom, Sis, please be careful.
Mighty Monkey LeeWiyninger Really primitive side-scrolling shooter.
Mighty Warriors LeeWiyninger You are aflabby fat guts.
Mighty! Pang LeeWiyninger This game's difficulty level is mighty factorial.
Mikie LeeWiyninger Do something in a classroom to a bad midi version of "A Hard Day's Night." I couldn't figure out what to do to get points.
Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000miles Rally AlexYoung Isometric-view racing game with voiced announcer. Hard to see turns.
Millipede AlexYoung Exactly like Centipede, but with more variety of targets and hazards
Minefield AlexYoung Control mappings completely borked
Minesweeper AlexYoung Very slow-motion Tron lightcycles, except with mine-laying ships. Multiplayer only.
Minesweeper AlexYoung Same game.
Mini Golf AlexYoung Probably needs a spinner ball to work properly
Minivader AlexYoung Bare-bones Space Invaders
Minky Monkey AlexYoung You are a clown. Move fruits up and down a series of poles to complete stages.
Minnasanno Okagesamadesu AlexYoung Mah-jong. AVOID!
Mirai Ninja AlexYoung Side-scrolling ninja action. Life points displayed in Japanese characters.
Miss Bingo LeeWiyninger Doesn't actually have anything to do with Bingo. Possibly NSFL if you do well enough.
Miss Mahjong Contest LeeWiyninger I thought we were done with these...
Miss Puzzle LeeWiyninger Similar to Miss Bingo, but easier. This appears to be clean.
Miss World '96 LeeWiyninger NSFL at the title scene. You know, I was actually expecting more Miss games like this.
Missile Command LeeWiyninger I remember this game! Shoot down missiles. Ends with a seizure.
Mission 660 AlexYoung Typical top-down scroll shooter
Mister Viking AlexYoung Top-down walking shooter, er, sword-thrower
Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin AlexYoung Quiz game in Japanese.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Final Shooting AlexYoung Does not load properly
Mobile Suit Gundam AlexYoung, TimChallener, RichardBowen Street Fighter with giant robots! Who could want more?
Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue AlexYoung More of the same as above
Moero Pro Yakyuu Homerun AlexYoung Japanese homerun contest. 4 strikes total and it's over?
Mogura Desse AlexYoung Whack-A-Mole! Use joystick and blue button
Mole Attack AlexYoung More Whack-A-Mole! Needs nine buttons to work properly
Momoko 120% AlexYoung Your school is being invaded by blobs and is slowly sinking into Hell. Shoot and climb your way to salvation!
Money Money AlexYoung Like isometric Pac-Man with more FALLING HEADLONG OFF OF TALL BUILDINGS
Money Puzzle Exchanger AlexYoung Vs. Puzzle game: drag and drop columns of like coins to make clusters adding up to the next largest denomination
Monkey Mole Panic AlexYoung Whack-A-Mole or -Monkey. Needs nine buttons again.
Monster Bash AlexYoung "I am the Hero!" Sure you are, kid. Sure you are.
Monster Farm Jump LeeWiyninger Jump a monster across an obstacle course against the worst music ever.
Monster Maulers LeeWiyninger A fighting game for ocular penetration enthusiasts.
Monster Slider AndrewFarmer IhardlyKnowEr! Also, black screen.
Monsters World AndrewFarmer A coin eater if I ever saw one.
Monte Carlo AndrewFarmer Not a gambling game, oddly.
Moon Alien Part II AndrewFarmer Space Invaders clone. Part I is, oddly, missing...
Moon Cresta LeeWiyninger Trip to the space war. Try it now!
Moon Patrol LeeWiyninger Shoot and jump on the "moon"
Moon Quasar LeeWiyninger There's a quasar on the moon? Almost identical to Moon Cresta.
Moon Shuttle LeeWiyninger A very primitive side-scrolling shooter.
Moon War LeeWiyninger Asteroids clone; the ship is unreasonably difficult to control.
More More LeeWiyninger Korean mini-games. Receive balls!
More More Plus LeeWiyninger More more of the same. Now with jump and fish!
Moriguchi Hiroko no Quiz de Hyuu! AndrewFarmer Japanese game show.
Mortal Kombat JeremyWestfahl and JacobScott Sluggish fighting game.
Mortal Kombat 3 JeremyWestfahl and JacobScott Better, but still has somewhat unresponsive controls (might be due to Fnord).
Mortal Kombat 4 JeremyWestfahl and JacobScott Lags so badly it is basically a double-blind strategy game instead of an actual fighter. Don't try special moves, as they may crash Fnord.
Mortal Kombat II AkashRakholia and AndrewFarmer FINISH HIM!
Mosaic AndrewFarmer Tetrisish puzzle game.
Mosaic AndrewFarmer Cool picture morphy thing. Almost RYC, but not really.
Mouja AkashRakholia Raccoons EVERYWHERE!!
Mouse Trap IvanHernandez Pac-Man clone with cats, dogs, and doors
Mouser IvanHernandez Donkey Kong with cats
Mr. Driller IvanHernandez You drill... AND IT IS AWESOME!
Mr. Do! AndrewFarmer Bad Dig Dug clone.
Mr. Do's Castle AndrewFarmer Bizarre Lode Runner clone.
Mr. Do's Wild Ride LeeWiyninger Feels like a Donkey Kong clone.
Mr. Goemon LeeWiyninger Platformer where you kill things with a pipe.
Mr. Jong LeeWiyninger Weird combination of Mahjong and Pacman with unclear goals.
Mr. Kougar AndrewFarmer Plays a lot like Chaos.
Mr. TNT AndrewFarmer Pac Man meets... something.
Ms. Pac Man AndrewFarmer Pac Man meets... femininity?
Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion JeremyWestfahl Ms. Pac-Man works fine, but Galaga doesn't start.
MTV Rock N Roll Trivia LeeWiyninger Delivers what it promises.
Mug Smashers LeeWiyninger Side-scrolling fighter. Boring.
MuHanSeungBu LeeWiyninger Baseball game with confusing controls.
Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 LeeWiyninger More More More! Save your a ladylove!
Multi Champ LeeWiyninger More More More More! Now with the added incentive of pictures of scantily clad women!
Multi Champ Deluxe LeeWiyninger More More More More More! Possibly NotInTheLounge??
Multi Game LeeWiyninger Appears to be a collection of NES games.
Multi Game III LeeWiyninger What happened to #2? Appears to be broken.
Muscle Bomber Duo - Ultimate Team Battle LeeWiyninger Typical fighting/wrestling game.
Musoubana LeeWiyninger Mahjong. Possibly with nudity.
Mustache Boy LeeWiyninger Paint tiles and jump over things.
Mutant Fighter LeeWiyninger Mythological fighting game. Unclear controls.
Mutant Night LeeWiyninger Shoot things with your eye. Vaguely reminiscent of Act Fancer.
Mutation Nation AndrewFarmer Hurrah, yet another generic BeatEmUp?
MVP AndrewFarmer I suck at baseball.
MX5000 AndrewFarmer Top-down shooter, bombs, etc.
My Hero AndrewFarmer Bizarre, one-dimensional (literally!) Korean BeatEmUp?.
Mysterious Stones: Dr. John's Adventure AndrewFarmer This game makes very little sense.
Mystic Marathon AndrewFarmer Designers were clearly on drugs.
Mystic Riders AndrewFarmer I am apparently not cut out to be a witch.
Mystic Warriors AndrewFarmer Ninjas with laser-beam shuriken. And napalm.
N.Y. Captor AndrewFarmer A lightgun would be really handy here.
Nagano Winter Olympics '98 AndrewFarmer Ski jumping is hard.
NAM-1975 AndrewFarmer Emergency control of hero! Wait, what's D for?
Namco Classics Collection Vol. 1 LeeWiyninger Galaga, Xevious, and Mappy.
Name Club Ver. 3 LeeWiyninger Gives "Error on cartridge."
Name That Tune LeeWiyninger Works surprisingly well, given technological limitations.
Naname de Magic LeeWiyninger Puzzle game that kind of resembles tetris. I lost and have no idea how.
Narc EricAleshire Think it needs a special button pressed or something, I can't get past "coin counter cleared" screen.
Nastar EricAleshire Side-scroller. Get lightning powerup. Walk forward. Mash 'stab'. You win.
NATO Defense EricAleshire 1982 game best described as generic tank battle on a Pacman grid.
Naughty Boy EricAleshire You're a naughty boy who throws grenades in a top-down castle siege. Pretty meh.
Naughty Mouse EricAleshire If you played Pacman with dumb AI on a Donkey Kong level.
Navarone LeeWiyninger This game is dark. Somewhat reminiscent of Torpedo.
NBA Hangtime LeeWiyninger 2-on-2 basketball. What a strange idea.
NBA Jam EricAleshire EXTREME GOALTENDING slash basketball.
NBA Jam TE EricAleshire Luckily it told me what was different in Tournament Edition, but doesn't help me not suck.
NBA Play by Play EricAleshire "Hardware security error."
Nebulas Ray EricAleshire 2D shmup with 3D graphics and broken sound.
Neck-'n-Neck EricAleshire Ticket redemption one-button horse racing game.
Nekketsu Grand-Prix Gal EricAleshire Probably NSFW but definitely broken mahjong game.
Nekketsu Mahjong Sengen! After 5 EricAleshire I really think every girl in these Japanese mahjong games looks the same.
Nemesis EricAleshire I think this is secretly just Gradius, but Gradius is pretty cool.
Nemo EricAleshire An 'on-rails' platformer that's otherwise generic.
Neo Bomberman EricAleshire It's Bomberman! :D ... in Spanish for no good reason.
Neo Drift Out - New Technology EricAleshire Hooray for isometric racing games!
Neo Mr. Do! LeeWiyninger Break of enemy for apples and balls.
Neo Turf Masters \ Big Tournament Golf LeeWiyninger Golf. Woo.
Neo-Geo EricAleshire Teaches you colors! Actually, it's probably a test screen that I can't get past.
Neo-Geo Cup '98 EricAleshire I shouldn't lose in the case of a tie. Silly arcade games.
Neratte Chu EricAleshire Fairly generic cutesy puzzler.
Net Wars EricAleshire If you understand this, your head will explode. And the insert credit sound is cool.
Nettoh Quiz Champion LeeWiyninger I would describe this as the most Japanese Quiz game ever were it not for the random half of an American flag in the background.
Nettou! Gekitou! Quiztou! AndrewFarmer A very gorilla quiz game. Also, very Japanese.
New Fantasia RhymesWithCorn Screenshot RWC, I'm not going any further.
New Lucky 8 Lines - Doesn't launch.
New Rally X AndrewFarmer Enemies have no sense of self-preservation.
New Sinbad 7 AndrewFarmer Like Pac-Man, except you're a bird, and you have a gun.
New York! New York AndrewFarmer You must save New York from UFO!
News AndrewFarmer Vaguely sketchy Puyo Puyo
NewZealand? Story, The LeeWiyninger A bird is shooting arrows at hermit crabs.
Next Space, The LeeWiyninger Apparently, the original space wasn't good enough.
NFL Blitz '99 LeeWiyninger The game we all know and love, now with massive amounts of lag!
NFL Blitz LeeWiyninger This game is slower than John Elway, unless you're playing the Broncos. Then, it's exactly as slow as John Elway.
NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition LeeWiyninger I waited a good 3 minutes for the loading screen to go away. I think that counts.
Nibbler AdamField Nibbles, on a Pac-Man board
Night Driver AdamField Oh god, the monochrome.
Night Slashers AndrewFarmer Zombie BEU
Night Stocker AndrewFarmer Yes, "Stocker".
Night Striker AndrewFarmer Argh, inverted yoke.
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge LeeWiyninger Fighting game with weird characters.
Nightmare in the Dark AndrewFarmer Totally like that other game whose name I can't remember, except with zombies. (Where "that other game" is Bubble Bobble, and it's true. --MichaelVrable)
Ninja Baseball Batman AndrewFarmer What the bloody hell, Japan.
Ninja Clowns WilliamGrabill Complete ninja circus included.
Ninja Combat WilliamGrabill Scrolling Beat-em-up
Ninja Commando WilliamGrabill Time travel and ninjas: "You have defended the history from enemy!"
Ninja Emaki WilliamGrabill Not actually a ninja, just a guy with a crossbow and mullet.
Ninja Kazan WilliamGrabill Some graphical irregularities. Screen was entirely yellow. Unplayable
Ninja Kids, The WilliamGrabill Ninja muppets vs. minority groups.
Ninja Master's - haoh-ninpo-cho LeeWiyninger Decent fighting game.
Ninja Mission LeeWiyninger Vaguely reminiscent of Prince of Persia.
Ninja Spirit LeeWiyninger Interesting brawler.
Ninja Warriors, The LeeWiyninger Well, that was uninspired.
NinjaKid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou LeeWiyninger Cartoony brawler.
Ninjakun Majou no Bouken LeeWiyninger See above.
Nintendo Super System BIOS LeeWiyninger Best game EVAR!
Nitro Ball LeeWiyninger A combination of a shooter, football, pinball, and kleptomania.
Nianpai LeeWiyninger Animetastic Mahjong-based puzzle game. Gets steadily sketchier as one progresses.
No Man's Land AndreyShur Tank game.
Noah's Ark AndrewFarmer Easy enough to be boring and take forever to lose. Also glitchy as hell. This game sucked.
Noboranka AndrewFarmer Much more fun, and much more hallucinogen-laden, than the previous game.
Nostradamus AndrewFarmer Apocalyptic top-down shooter.
Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai LeeWiyninger Quiz game. Surprisingly easy to understand.
Nova 2001 LeeWiyninger Easy shooter, vaguely reminiscent of Asteroids.
Numan Athletics LeeWiyninger Cute button-masher. Engrave your name on history!
Nunchackun LeeWiyninger That may be the most boring brawler I've ever played.
Off the Wall LeeWiyninger Arkanoid-like thing.
Off the Wall LeeWiyninger Why are there two completely different games with the same name? Tennis thing; apparently, you can't move.
Oh My God! LeeWiyninger Control snakes and make them tetris. The name makes no sense at all.
Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka LeeWiyninger What am I supposed to do? I don't speak Asian!
Ojanko Club LeeWiyninger Mahjong.
Ojanko High School LeeWiyninger Controls don't work; it's probably mahjong, but I couldn't get far enough to tell. The principal is wearing a rabbit suit.
Ojanko Yakata LeeWiyninger Mahjong.
Ojanko Yakata 2bankan LeeWiyninger ''
Ojousan LeeWiyninger ''
Omega Fighter LeeWiyninger Typical shooter.
Omega Race LeeWiyninger Like Asteroids, except you can't see anything and the asteroids shoot at you.
Omotesandou MichaelVrable Unplayable (mahjongg)
One + Two LauraKanofsky This picture is impossible.
One Shot One Kill MichaelVrable and LauraKanofsky Many shots, no kills
Opa Opa LeeWiyninger Similar to Pacman, but with money and shooting.
Operation Thunderbolt LeeWiyninger Lightgun game. American hostages will be punished by death!
Operation Wolf LeeWiyninger Like above, but with less backstory.
Operation Wolf 3 WillShipley Like above. You can play it with the joystick! BUT WHY?
Orange Club - Maruhi Kagai Jugyo WillShipley Incomprehensible strip Mahjongg . . . with alphabet controls?!
Orbit WillShipley Star Trek-themed Asteroids. Unplayable?
Orbitron WillShipley Wide-scrolling Missile Command. Actually fun!
Orbs LeeWiyninger Puzzle game. A bit more difficult than I expected at first.
Ordyne LeeWiyninger Side-scrolling shooter.
Oriental Legend / Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang LeeWiyninger Mythology-type brawler.
Osman LeeWiyninger Somewhat better brawler that takes place in a modern/futuristic Persian environment! I didn't think it was possible!
Othello Derby LeeWiyninger Play Othello to make your horse go faster.
Othello Shiyouyo LeeWiyninger More Othello. Lags like a bitch for no good reason.
Otogizoushi Urashima Mahjong LeeWiyninger Controls don't work. What a surprise.
Otona no Mahjong LeeWiyninger I thought we were done with these.
Out Run LeeWiyninger Racing game. I somehow ran out of time.
Out Zone LeeWiyninger Destroy all of them.
Outfoxies LeeWiyninger Interesting fighting game.
OutRunners LeeWiyninger Similar to Out Run.
Over Drive LeeWiyninger Racer that is either spreading subliminal messages or is just really glitchy. I didn't get to a game over screen; I'm pretty sure it's not possible to win or lose this game.
Over Top LeeWiyninger Kind of like Mille Miglia.
Ozma Wars LeeWiyninger Let's travel&fight.
Ozon I LeeWiyninger Shoot planes out of the sky.
P-47 - The Phantom Fighter LeeWiyninger I can't tell if your plane is Nazi or if you're fighting Nazis.
P-47 Aces LeeWiyninger Like above, but slightly cooler.
P.O.W. Prisoners of War AlexYoung Crappy beat-em-up
Pac & Pal AlexYoung Pac-Man with a few objects to collect instead of a lot of pellets, plus you have a friendly ghost who fetches items for you
Pac-Land LeeWiyninger Really bad Pac-man-based platformer.
Pac-Man Plus LeeWiyninger I don't really see what's "Plus" about this game.
Pac-Mania LeeWiyninger 3D Pacman with jumps.
Paca Paca Passion AndrewFarmer I think it's supposed to be a rhythm game. But it's slow.
Paca Paca Passion 2 AndrewFarmer Painfully slow, again.
Paca Paca Passion Special AndrewFarmer Painfully slow, AND broken graphics emulation. Phew.
Pachinko Gindama Shoubu AndrewFarmer Sexy Casino. Also, why the hell?
Pachinko Gindama Shoubu DX JoshuaEhrlich More of the same!
Pachinko Sexy Reaction JoshuaEhrlich Electronic pinball, now with more softcore porn!
Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 JoshuaEhrlich Electronic pachinko with softcore porn, 0.5/10 on West Scale
Paddle Mania JoshuaEhrlich Tennis Pong.
Pairs JoshuaEhrlich Concentration. With nudity. 1/10 on West Scale. Warning: contains dipping-bird porn.
Pairs JoshuaEhrlich Featuring the Giffy Girls. Impossible without massive continues.
Pairs Love JoshuaEhrlich Now with slightly more difficult rules.
Palamedes AndrewFarmer Not Concentration, not porn. Woo.
Pandora's Palace AndrewFarmer Knowing the controls would have helped.
Panels and Variety Akamaru Q Jousy AndrewFarmer Japanese quiz game.
Pang Pang AndrewFarmer Bubble Bobble clone. Unrelated to the above.
Pang Pom's JoshuaEhrlich Pop balloons, die quickly
Pang! 3 JoshuaEhrlich Pop balloons
Panic Bomber JoshuaEhrlich Elimante 3 or more in a line of the same color
Panic Street JoshuaEhrlich Non sketchy girls panic like game
Paparazzi JoshuaEhrlich Dive under water and swim around
Paperboy JoshuaEhrlich Deliver the paper to houses on route
Paradice JoshuaEhrlich Magic squares of sorts
Paradise JoshuaEhrlich Girls Panic
Paradise 2 Deluxe JoshuaEhrlich Girls Panic
Paradise Deluxe JoshuaEhrlich Girls Panic
Parallel Turn JoshuaEhrlich Ski race
Parodius DA! LeeWiyninger Colorful side-scrolling shooter.
Party Time: Gonta the Diver II \ Ganbare! Gonta!! II LeeWiyninger Mildly pornographic game where you flip tiles.
Pasha Pasha 2 LeeWiyninger Korean minigames with occasionally understandable instructions. It froze on the third one or so.
Pass LeeWiyninger That game where you collect dots with your tongue and avoid monsters.
Passing Shot LeeWiyninger Mediocre tennis game.
Pastel Gal EricAleshire Insert credit; receive naked
Pebble Beach - The Great Shot EricAleshire It's Golf! In Japanese! In Antarctica! ... Because the game freezes.
Peek-a-Boo EricAleshire I challenge you to find a sketchier title screen that doesn't actually have nudity.
Peggle EricAleshire Wait ... what? Mm. Puzzler.
Pengo EricAleshire It says "Thanks for playing. Please try again!" upon startup. Action-puzzler thing.
Penguin Brothers EricAleshire If Bomberman and Bubble Bobble had an unholy baby, but less awesome.
Penguin-kun Tournament EricAleshire Throw balls across the table at each other. Most on one side wins ...?
Pepper II LeeWiyninger Solve mazes? Surrounding areas seems to help.
Percussor, The LeeWiyninger Fly around a city and shoot things.
Perestroika Girls LeeWiyninger RhymesWithCorn
Perfect Billiard LeeWiyninger Yes, only one billiard. Pool game with poor understanding of momentum.
Performan LeeWiyninger You're a mole shooting things?
Peter Pack-Rat LeeWiyninger Doesn't launch.
Phantom II LeeWiyninger You're a monochrome plane, shooting other monochrome planes. Not for epileptics.
Phelios LeeWiyninger Rather boring vertical shooter.
Phoenix XandaSchofield Easy vertical shooter (except for me, it took 1 minute to die).
Photo Y2K LeeWiyninger Find-the-differences game with low-resolution pictures. Sadly, it did not crash.
Phozon LeeWiyninger Fly around and build shapes. It's actually rather fun, but the sounds are annoying.
Phraze Craze LeeWiyninger Wheel of Fortune.
Pickin' LeeWiyninger Put colored blocks in same-colored shapes.
Pig Newton LeeWiyninger Collect eggs and attack wolves with apples. I never sausage a weird game.
Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine LeeWiyninger Eat food for calories and don't become spam.
Pigskin 621 AD LeeWiyninger Violent, primitive rugby.
Pinball Action LeeWiyninger Rather boring. The table is dynamic, though.
Pinbo LeeWiyninger Strange pinball-ness
Ping Pong Masters '93 LeeWiyninger Exactly what it says on the tin. Sometimes keeps you from moving for no apparent reason.
Pioneer Balloon LeeWiyninger You're in a hot-air balloon, dropping rocks on wagons that are shooting you with arrows.
Pipe Dream LeeWiyninger Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've all been here before.
Pipi & Bibi's / Whoopee!! MaxGibiansky I think you're trying to blow up a retirement home.
Pirate Ship Higemaru MaxGibiansky Pick up fish and throw barrels at pirates.
Pirate Treasure MaxGibiansky Has instructions! But freezes :(
Pirates MaxGibiansky Demolish houses with pistols.
Pisces AdamField Not terribly interesting Galaga-like game
Pistol Diamo no Bouken AdamField Standard side-scroller shmup, but very, very Japanese.
Pit & Run AdamField Very old-looking racing game. You can run out of gas. Easily.
Pit Boss MaxGibiansky The buttons do not do anything.
Pit Boss 2 MaxGibiansky The buttons do something now. Something very unintuitive. The game works, unfortunately.
Pit Boss Megastar LeeWiyninger Gambling-type games. Some of the cards are invisible.
Pit Boss Superstar LeeWiyninger Like above, but without cards this time.
Pit Fighter LeeWiyninger Fighter with semi-realistic graphics and a forklift.
Pit, The LeeWiyninger Dig around for gems? I died rather quickly.
Pitfall II LeeWiyninger Exactly what you expect.
PK Scramble JoshOratz Yay penalty kicks!
Plasma Sword JoshOratz Another Soul-Calibur copy! What fun!
Play Girls LeeWiyninger RhymesWithCorn
Play Girls 2 LeeWiyninger ''
PlayBall?! LeeWiyninger Juggle balls and hit bases? Except that you're a baseball...
Player's Edge Plus <x> TrevinMurakami Call Attendant
Playman Poker TrevinMurakami borken buttons
Pleasuregoal TrevinMurakami just an easy soccer game
Pleiads LeeWiyninger Space-themed Centipede clone
Plotting LeeWiyninger Block-clearing puzzle game
Plump Pop LeeWiyninger Arkanoid with animals and UFOs
Plus Alpha LeeWiyninger Vertical shmup
Pnickies LeeWiyninger Vaguely reminiscent of Dr. Mario. Takes forever to get difficult.
Pochi and Naya LeeWiyninger Puzzle game with attack power?
Pocket Gal LeeWiyninger So, where are those coins going, exactly?
Pocket Gal Deluxe LeeWiyninger This one took longer to get sketchy. Apparently, it's a pool game.
Pocket Racer LeeWiyninger Choppy racer. I won even though I was constantly bumping into things.
Point Blank LeeWiyninger Light gun game
Point Blank 2 AaronPribadi Also a light gun game. Joystick makes it difficult.
Poitto! ChrisFerguson Puzzle Game, partway between Bejeweled and Super Puzzle Fighter. Not Bad
Poker 4-1 ChrisFerguson Nope. "Data Error"
Poker Dice ChrisFerguson None of the buttons work for this game. Dawww
Poker Ladies ChrisFerguson The promise of beautiful ladies doesn't help if the game doesn't work!
Pokio ChrisFerguson A cool poker game where you choose which hand to deal cards out to to make poker hands
Polaris ChrisFerguson Shoot planes as a submarine!
Pole Position ChrisFerguson Sadly,a racing game-- not a game about designing good control systems
Pole Position 2 ChrisFerguson See above
Police Trainer ChrisFerguson Light gun game. Very hard with just the joystick
Pollux ChrisFerguson Space Plane Game!
Poly-Play ChrisFerguson A set of German minigames
Ponpoko JoshOratz Collect fruit, don't get hit by tacks
Pontoon JoshOratz Broked
Pool 10 JoshOratz "Hold 4"?
Pool Shark SophieWaldman? Best Pool Ever
Pooyan SophieWaldman? Shoot dinos (foxes?) to protect egg babies
Pop 'n Bounce JoshOratz Breakout but broken control. Also, Kirby with wings and tail
Pop Bingo JoshOratz Dr. Mario (Tetris) + gravity + bingo
Pop Flamer JoshOratz Pop balloons by walking into them while avoiding enemies and putting out fires
Pop 'n Pop JoshOratz Bubble pop game with balloons
Pop's Pops JoshOratz Wheel of Fortune, RhymesWithCorn
Popeye JoshOratz Get hearts, eat spinach, etc.
Popper SophieWaldman? Kind of like Qbert - hop from tile to tile, painting them. Not always isometric.
Porky SophieWaldman? You're a pig driving a truck. Jump over obstacles, shoot bacon, collect pigs.
Port Man SophieWaldman? Grab luggage, throw it onto a ship.
Pot Game SophieWaldman? "Hold 4" (broken), plus once an error message in Italian
Poto Poto SophieWaldman? Kind of like upside-down Tetris / Bubble Bobble, but with different colored hexagons?
Pound for Pound LeeWiyninger Boxing. I had no idea what was going on.
Power Balls LeeWiyninger Breakout clone. I was expecting a lottery simulator.
Power Drift LeeWiyninger Unspectacular racer.
Power Drive SophieWaldman? Kind of lame monster truck racing thing. Tap button a bunch to go.
Power Instinct SophieWaldman? Loads, then quits.
Power Instinct 2 SophieWaldman? Fighting game - some creepy old people as characters.
Power Instinct 3 - Groove On Fight SophieWaldman? Fighting game seemingly unrelated to the previous one. Can play as a guy with bombs for hands.
Power Instinct Legends SophieWaldman? Picks up where 2 left off - very weird.
Power Play SophieWaldman? 1 (plus goalie) on 1 arena soccer.
Power Spikes SophieWaldman? 1-button volleyball, where matches end in 3 points (?)
Power Spikes II LeeWiyninger Supposedly has 4 buttons this time. It controlled stickily.
Power Surge LeeWiyninger You're a spark on a circuit doing... something?
Powerful Baseball '96 JoshOratz Baseball game, nothing to set itself apart from the rest
Powerful Pro Baseball EX JoshOratz Same as above, with new graphics (sort of)
Prebillian JoshOratz Billiards. IN SPACE!
Prehistoric Isle 2 JoshOratz What happened to the first one? Anyways, shoot dinosaurs in a modern-day city.
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 JoshOratz Oh, there it is. Same as above but on some island in 1930's
Premier Soccer LeeWiyninger Soccer game. Switches players too much.
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon LeeWiyninger Brawler.
Prime Goal EX LeeWiyninger Soccer game. I couldn't tell what any of the buttons did.
Princess Clara Daisakusen LeeWiyninger A dog escorts an egg through a city full of robots.
Pro Baseball Skill Tryout LeeWiyninger Do baseball-type things. The buttons were unclear.
Pro Mahjong Kiwame LeeWiyninger Prints an error message.
Pro Mahjong Kiwame S LeeWiyninger Prints a different error message.
Professor Pacman LeeWiyninger Quiz game with funky animations. The connection to Pacman is entirely cosmetic.
Progear LeeWiyninger Side-scrolling shmup. Fairly competently made.
Progress LeeWiyninger You're a tank shooting cars for no adequately explained reason.
Progressive Music Triva ChrisFerguson Didn't ask me questions about music.
Prop Cycle ChrisFerguson Hard to play without a bicycle or a decent frame rate
PS Arcade 95 ChrisFerguson Doesn't work
Psychic 5 ChrisFerguson Pretty good platformer
Psychic Force LeeWiyninger 3D fighter with psychic abilities. I couldn't figure out how to do everything.
Psycho Soldier LeeWiyninger Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Psycho-nics Oscar LeeWiyninger Doesn't work.
Puchi Carat MaxGibiansky Brickball or breakout, but moving the paddle doesn't work right.
PuckMan? MaxGibiansky Pacman. Works fine.
PuckMan? Pockimon MaxGibiansky Pacman with one extra generation of graphics.
PuLiRuLa? MaxGibiansky Sidescroller. Really, really weird. Playable.
Pull Tabs MaxGibiansky Place bet. Push button, receive loss or win.
Pulsar MaxGibiansky A tank navigates a maze with ever-changing walls to find keys. Kinda good, actually.
Pulstar MaxGibiansky Sidescrolling space shooter. Slow to control.
Punch-Out!! LeeWiyninger Boxing game. You should be familiar with it.
Punisher, The LeeWiyninger Standard brawler.
Punk Shot LeeWiyninger Violent basketball that ended at random.
Pururun LeeWiyninger "Yo dawg" expressed as a puzzle game.
Pushman LeeWiyninger Puzzle game that eventually RhymesWithCorn.
Puyo Puyo LeeWiyninger Like Puzzle Fighter, but simpler.
Puyo Puyo 2 MattRichman Versus tetris.
Puyo Puyo Sun MattRichman More versus tetris, but with suns. What is going on here?
Puzz Loop SarahScheffler Shoot balls at the incoming spiral of doom.
Puzz Loop 2 SophieWaldman? Like PuzzLoop?, but with bats?
Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R BenJones Series of competitive puzzles, quite fun.
Puzzle & Action: Sachido-R SarahScheffler Like the first one. Eat steak!
Puzzle & Action: Tant-R SarahScheffler JtBooth More fun puzzles! Better than the last one (if you speak Japanese for the block hint puzzle :(
Puzzle Bobble SarahScheffler Bust a Move, basically, but with the Bubble Bobble characters. Familiar, but fun.
Puzzle Bobble / Bust a Move SarahScheffler Same exact thing.
Puzzle Bobble 2 SarahScheffler Same as before, but now it has a versus-computer mode with three difficulties!
Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust a Move SarahScheffler Same exact thing as before.
Puzzle Bobble 3 SarahScheffler Same idea but with some cool new puzzles and a versus computer mode. Also characters.
Puzzle Bobble 4 SarahScheffler EmmaDavis JandroAlderman Same game but with PHYSICS PUZZLES
Puzzle Club SophieWaldman? Sliding block puzzles, with a Pacman Story and Floor Exercise mode. Floor Exercise may RhymeWithCorn?.
Puzzle Club SkyeBerghel Various games resembling things like Brick and Tetris, as well as "Find the Difference!". Bubble Adventure looks like it RhymesWithCorn. (Breakout looks safe until you realize that you're uncovering a picture that RhymesWithCorn -SarahScheffler )
Puzzle De Bowling GeorgeAspesi Bust-A-Move/Magical? Drop with a Bowling theme. Simple controls, several difficulties. A fun time waster.
Puzzle De Pon GeorgeAspesi Bust-A-Move with an astrological theme. Actually somewhat difficult. Simple controls.
Puzzle Game Rong Rong SophieWaldman? Mahjong matching game - almost certainly RhymesWithCorn if you pick the wrong (right?) option.
Puzzle King JosephDearden Set of four games: tetris clone, pacman clone (with powerups because jumping and lasers), and various shmup-like stuff.
Puzzle Uo Poko JoshOratz && WillGrabill? Bust-A-Move with one-way power control.
Puzzle / Joy Joy Kid JoshOratz && WillGrabill? Tetris (B mode) where the objective is to free a balloon trapped under some blocks
Puzzli JosephDearden Puzzle game where you match things.
Puzznic JosephDearden Puzzle game where you match things.
Pyramid JoshOratz Puzzle game where you match things, on a pyramid.
Q*Bert JoshOratz Color a pyramid of cubes by jumping around on them.
Q*Bert's Qubes JosephDearden Q*Bert, but you flip cubes when you jump on them. Or something.
QB-3 JosephDearden You're this guy on a cube and what is this i don't even.
Qix JosephDearden Claim sections of a rectangle while avoiding a swirly screensaver thing.
Quantum JosephDearden You're in space and what is this i don't even.
Quarterback JosephDearden Football!
Quartet SkyeBerghel You are a dude with a gun. Use the gun to shoot dudes! Kill the boss to get the key and advance a level! (Note that I couldn't get the boss to appear to take damage.)
Quasar SkyeBerghel Sort of like Asteroids, except if the asteroids get to the bottom of the screen you die.
Quester SkyeBerghel "This game is for use exclusively in Japan. Use of this game outside Japan is a violation of international copyright law." The fact that this is Yet Another Brick Clone is not a violation of any copyright law, however.
Quintoon SkyeBerghel I don't know what the objective is, but it seems to be like a game of Blackjack where you have 5 hands instead of just one.
Quintoon HelenWoodward You can't win because its supposed to give you money if you reach a high enough score. You have 5 blackjack hands and try to get as high a combined total as possible without busting in any hand.
QuizAndDragons JosephDearden && JoshOratz BestGameOnFnord
Quiz and Variety Sukusuku Inufuku JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Bisyoujo Senshi Sailor Moon JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Bisyoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Chiryoku Tairyoku Toki no Un JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Crayon Shinchan JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz de Idol! Hot Debut JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz DNA no Hanran JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Do Re Mi Fa Grand Prix JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Do Re Me Fa Grand Prix2? - Shin-Kyoku Nyuukadayo JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz F-1 1,2 Finish JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Gakuen Paradise JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Gakumon no Susume JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Gekiretsu Scramble JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Ghost Hunter JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz H.Q. JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz King of Fighters JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Kokology JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Kokology 2 JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Qui Daisousa Sen part 2 JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Mekurumeku Story JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Nanairo Dreams, Nijirochou no Kiseki JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Olympic JosephDearden Quiz game in not Japanese.
Quiz Panicuru Fantasy JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Quest - Hime to Yuusha no Monogatari JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Rouka Ni Tattenasai JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Sangokushi JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Sekai wa SHOW by shobai JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Syukudai wo Wasuremashita JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Theater - 3su no Monogatari JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Tonosama no Yabou JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2 Zenkoku-ban JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Tonmonochou JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz TV Gassyuukoku Q&Q JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quiz Mahjong Hayaku Yatteyo! JosephDearden Quiz game in Japanese.
Quizvaders JosephDearden Quiz game in not Japanese.
Qwak JosephDearden Slide tiles around to guide ducks to the opposite side of a screen.
R-Shark JosephDearden and WilliamGrabill Bounty-hunting shmup in space, not enough bullets.
R-Type AdamField Standard shmup, standard problem where once you die once, you lose all your stuff and are screwed.
R-Type 2 AdamField Much like the first one.
R-Type Leo AdamField Much like the first two, except it's much better at giving you back your crap when you die.
R2D Tank AdamField Rather old looking tank game, not that great. Unusually reasonable physics, though: you can't just trivially do a 180 in your tank, you have to turn around.
Rabio Lepus AdamField Another typical shmup, except very Japanese. Apparently we're not allowed to legally distribute it outside of Japan.
Race Drivin' ChrisFerguson Doesn't reach start screen; just keeps reloading forever
Racing Hero ChrisFerguson Motorcycle racing game. Nothing special
Rack'em Up AndreyShur 9-ball pool game. seems to work!
Rack + Roll AndreyShur Hexagonal pool
Rad Mobile AndreyShur and ChrisFerguson Racing game. nothing new
Rad Rally AndreyShur Almost the same as above. But harder to control
Radar Scope AndreyShur Shmup. Nothing new
Radar Zone AndreyShur make lines around squares, while avoiding things that follow your lines. Difficult controls
Radiant Silvergun AndreyShur Shoot em up that attempts 3d graphics. SUPER laggy
Radical Radial JoshOratz Space shooter where you're a wheel?
Radikal Bikers JoshOratz Pizza delivery bike racing at a glorious 2 frames per second
Rafflesia JosephDearden Space shoot-em-up with floating heads instead of ships.
Rage of the Dragons JosephDearden and JoshOratz Street fighter clone
Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken JosephDearden and JoshOratz Like Rage of the Dragons, but worse
Raiden JosephDearden Shmup, lots of bullets and powerups and the like
Raiden Fighters JoshOratz Counting down from 999, who knows that happens (not waiting to find out what, that's for sure)
Raiden Fighters 2 JoshOratz Shoot-em-up, blah blah blah, you know the drill
Raiden Fighters Jet JosephDearden Raiden Fighters, but with more explosions
Raiders JosephDearden Space invaders clone. The sprites for your bullets travel up the entire screen, but only hit things that are right in front of you.
Raiders5? JosephDearden Drive a spaceship around a grid and shoot stuff to get points while other ships with bad pathfinding chase you.
Raiga - Strato Fighter JosephDearden Shmup, actually pretty good
Rail Chase JosephDearden Playing lightgun games with a joystick+buttons is not awkward at all, I don't know what you're talking about.
Raimais JosephDearden Totally not pac-man.
Rainbow Islands JosephDearden Platformer where instead of jumping you make a rainbow appear and walk on it.
Rally Bike / Dash Yarou JosephDearden Bike racing game where helicopters drop crates full of arbitrary points.
Rally X JosephDearden Collect flags while other cars chase you.
Rambo III JosephDearden You are John Rambo. Run forward through the desert shooting everything.
Rampage JosephDearden and JoshOratz The original.
Rampage: World Tour JosephDearden and JoshOratz Rampage, but with spaceships and robots...?
Shit, I was supposed to advance this to QuizAndDragons when I was visiting :( Since I won't be there, make sure unfamiliar frosh are introduced to it for its entry since it is the BestGameOnFnord. -- ChrisSauro

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