Editing ArenOlson
Aren (aka CookieFrosh) was a SophoMore (class of 2011) and a ComputerScience major. However he was InvitedToRetire after massively failing to handle HarveyMuddCollege's workload, and continued his education in the wilds^H^H^H^H^Hcorn fields of Iowa (specifically, SimpsonCollege), from whence he has now graduated. While at Mudd, he lived in LindeDorm, RoomNumber 140 his FrOsh year as part of SuiteBetrayal, and subsequently lived in EastDorm room 164 for Fall 2008. His EmailAddress is atolson@cs.hmc.edu. He can be contacted via IRC as reacocard in OctothorpeHMC. Aren loves BadPun""s, both hearing and creating them. Together with his RoomMate, TimChallener, he has caused unspeakable pun sessions to occur, [[the]] worst of which have even been known to drive people out of the suite to escape, assuming they are still capable of movement at that point. These puns are so potent that the PunInquisition itself, consisting of his suitemates HendrikOrem and DavidLapayowker, has given up on him, much to the amusement of MartinPyne. * ''Oh don't worry, we haven't given up. We've just realized that we need to try all sorts of other new, fun techniques on the likes of you. And by fun, I mean fun for us.'' -- DavidLapayowker ** ''We shall see.... MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!'' --ArenOlson *** I would humbly suggest to the above frosh that you will likely come to rue the above statement... **** This has in fact not come to pass. We have triumphed! --ArenOlson * I feel so sorry for KwangKetcham, that he had to bear witness to that punning session. You will be avenged! ** It was terrible. I still have nightmares... -- KwangKetcham While at HarveyMuddCollege, he was introduced to the wonders of AnimE by his suitemates and others, starting with BleacH. He chain-watched the entirety (well, episode 40 and up, still almost 100 eps) of BleacH over FallBreak, and has since moved on to complete FullmetalAlchemist, ShakuganNoShana and many other series as well. Aren has a large (but sadly shrinking) collection of WebComic""s he reads on a regular basis. This collection is large enough that it can cause lesser InterNet""s (such as his home DSL) to simply give up and die when attempting to load them all at once. Aren was also a frequent attendee of ItrGames, and enjoys playing SuperSmashBrothers (any version) in his spare time. Also enjoys FunwikiContact and [irc://irc.esper.net/#contact Irc contact]. Often suffers from SleepDep. May in fact be a SleepDepAddict. Held a RotatedSchedule for all of both DeadWeek and FinalsWeek frosh year. When SleepDep""ped is very EasilyAmused. Author of [http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~atolson/6degfunwiki/index.py Six Degrees Of Funwiki] which finds the shortest path between two pages on FunWiki. Created this not knowing that [[WikiDegreesOfSeparation|a similar endeavor]] had already been instigated by DanCicio. Has been corrupted by JasonWinerip. Is successor to JasonWinerip as CorruptorOfFrosh. Is in need of sleep. FunFact: it is apparently possible to turn in a HumPaper more than a month late (after the second paper is due) and still high pass Hum1. Let this be a lesson to future FrOsh. :P *Another interesting fact: you should never, ever set your IM to auto-reply to all messages with "Mud...kip!" It will be exploited. Is >= a WinRAR. Thinks PurPle is better than GreeN. Adds to this page random statements when lacking in sleep/entertainment. Needs to use LaTeX moar. Hungers for DonutMan. ---- Quotes: "Its power supply would handle TheSun!" "I think this is asking me whether I'm male or female. Which one do I choose?!" "My auto-reply had sex with a Mudkip." *"I want to tell you something. Have I told you it?" *SkyeBerghel: "Is it a pun?" *"No" *SkyeBerghel: "Then you haven't told me." "I'm wearing pants. You just can't tell." "I don't care about your scorpions. I want pants." "I blame porn on Magic School Bus." "The conjunctions had a population problem, so we started eating them." "I don't look, I just kind of feel back there. It feels a lot better than it looks." "Yes...yes....must find picture of Hitler..." * [http://omploader.org/vMzY2YQ/hitler-pancakes.png PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCAAAAAKES] "I want to say there's something that can be done with vibration." "(assuming compiles == works)" ---- BadIdea completion count: 6 ---- Completion/Progress lists: VideoGame""s: (completion here is completion of plot, not necessarily of everything to do) *ZeldaTwilightPrincess - complete *ChronoTrigger - complete *CaveStory - on hold (@ final boss) *SuperMarioGalaxy - complete (to 60 stars) *PrinceOfPersia: TheSandsOfTime - complete *FinalFantasyVI - on hold *FinalFantasyTactics - on hold *Okami - complete *PrinceOfPersia: TheTwoThrones - on hold (@ final boss, but no longer have access to saved game) *Portal - complete *WorldOfGoo - complete *TheWorldEndsWithYou - complete *Braid - complete *MirrorsEdge - complete *EvilGenius - on hold (@ 2nd island) *Psychonauts - on hold (@ meat circus) *Machinarium - complete *Klonoa - complete *AssassinsCreed2 - complete *AssassinsCreedBrotherhood - complete *Portal2 - complete *TheSecretOfMonkeyIsland - complete *MonkeyIsland2: LeChucksRevenge - on hold *StarWarsKnightsOfTheOldRepublic - complete *MassEffect - complete *MassEffect2 - complete *MassEffect3 - complete TVShows: *NewsRadio - mostly complete *BattlestarGalactica - complete *HerOes - there is no season 4, and the last bit of season 3 did not happen. *Babylon5 - declared complete *Farscape - complete *BattlestarGalactica1978 - dropped *FutuRama - updating *Eureka - updating *FireFly - complete *DoctorWho **EighthDoctor - complete **NinthDoctor - complete **TenthDoctor - complete **EleventhDoctor - updating *AvatarTheLastAirbender - complete *Psych - dropped *24 - on hold (pending large chunks of free time to marathon entire seasons) (seasons completed: 2) *DollHouse - complete *KrodMandoon - complete *HowIMetYourMother - updating *Dexter - dropped *Scrubs - complete *TorchWood - updating *TheWestWing - complete *Castle - updating *LifeOnMars - complete *SevenDays - complete *Jake2.0 - complete *Chuck - updating *WhiteCollar - updating *Leverage - updating *Glee - dropped *StarkRavingMad - complete *Community - updating *SouthPark - updating *JackOfAllTrades - complete *Warehouse13 - updating *NCIS - on hold *StarTrek: DeepSpaceNine - complete *BuffyTheVampireSlayer - on hold *Angel - on hold *TheLegenedOfKorra - updating AnimE: *See [http://myanimelist.net/animelist/reacocard&status=7&order=0 my MAL page.] GraphicNovel""s & ManGa: *WatchMen - complete *FullmetalAlchemist - complete *NaruTo - updating *BleacH - updating *Transmetropolitan - complete *DeathNote - complete *ScottPilgrim - complete ---- mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! mud... kip! * FunWiki still doesn't have enough of these. We need OverNineThousand moar. Spread them to other pages! ---- CategoryHomePage SuiteBetrayal NeedsMoarMudkipz ItrGames BadIdea FailFrosh (WikiWhore2008) WikiWhore2009 WikiWhore2010 WikiWhore2011 WikiWhore2012 WikiDegreesOfSeparation ThingsYouDontWantToHearYourRoommateSay RoomDraw FnordCompletionRun SaveKevinsExam OctothorpeHMC
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)