Editing CalPierog
Step One. Who's in? Record your votes here: * JulieWortman (yes) * MicahSmukler (yes) * KatyPerdue (no. If Cal's dead I don't get any.) * MichaelVrable (no) * EliBogart (yes) * WillShipley (yes-- by absentee ballot. ''absentee no longer! ha! -wss'') * LizzieKadison(yes) * PaulScott (hell yes) * DanCicio (why not?) * KatieLewis (yes) * ClayHambrick (no, unless the vote of the whole Company is against me...ThanksVrable!) ''I think Clay is screaming '''SHOWER MEEEE''' at the top of his lungs, don't you? --WillShipley'' * ProfessorLevin's Discrete class (38 yes, 12 no, 3 abstain) ''for more details, see DiscreteKillsCal'' * ConorMcNassar (mos' def [yes]) * ArielBarton (no) * EdMiller (yes) * AlexBobbs (yes) * EdMiller + MichaelVrable * AaronHomer (yes) * StephGrush (aye) * DanielKagan (yes) * ChainMaille (yes, because of the massive peer pressure...*sob*) ''Y'know, I don't remember writing this...not that it changes my vote or anything'' * NunchuckFrosh (Yes. Duh.) * NickJohnson (yes, but it feels like triple counting with the discrete and the SWII) ** So... time to pull out the Inclusion/Exclusion? * JonathanBeall (yes) * EricBerglund (yes) * RichardGarfinkel (you have to ask?) * AdamField (see above) * <i>and don't forget the quarter of a theater full of people waiting for StarWarsEpisodeII to start.....</i> * DonNy(i have to think about this one..., wait..., no i don't, YES) * JoshMiddendorf (no) * FrancesHocutt (no) * KevinBergemann (Hai) Cal likes soft, fluffy sheep, if you know what I mean. * <I>What about hard, fluffy sheep? *cough*</I> To Lori, as she talked about the perceived joys of high school algebra (yuck!): "You are dumb and crazy." Also freakin' hilarious when sleep depped. Some people just get dazed. Cal gets raunchy. Can be sweet talked into just about anything if you are an attractive female. Or pretend to be an attractive female. Or if you promise him a glimpse of an attractive female. He better make a KingKong page before he comes to his senses. "Ooh, chickens. Wonk, wonk, wonk." "Beautiful. Almost sensual, in a way." --Cal, on ProfessorDavis' grade-compression policy "That's when the revelation dawned on me: ''Hey, I could just spread my legs...''" NickJohnson: "Cal really shouldn't be getting this much..." ConorMcNassar: "...''sleep.''" "Just keep track of the person in front of you. Like, when Paul goes down, I go down." "You see, Lori, I'm not aggressive like <i>your</i> punk ass. I'm attacking Alberta." Cal: Ariel, it has come to my attention that the Homework 13 rewrite is due. It has come to my attention that you graded Homework 13. It has come to my attention that I don't have my homework 13. Ariel: Did you turn it in? Cal: . . . "We would have sunk like stones. ''Faster'' than stones; like large whales ... weighted down with cement." From Cal's summer math whiteboard (not my doing): "Your mom is a saddle point" "I saddled your mom's point" Don't forget: "I spanned your mom's eigenvectors" (not my doing. really) "[CS prof who shall remain unnamed] codes like a rabid weasel on peyote!" -Cal (on driving to Boston airport) "its not a 'good friend' sort of favor ... more of a 'you dragged my unconscious body out of a burning building and this will more than make up for it' sort of favor" -Cal ---- It has been suggested that someday Cal should become a PhysicsMajor and prove the existence of the buetron (the result of an HistoricTypo in his vain attempt to say "neutron"). <i> Note that the text of HistoricTypo now makes it appear that CalPierog is a HistoricTypo himself, as he appears in its backlinks. On SecondThought, this means he actually is one, surely.</i> '''Don't call me surely.''' ---- CategoryCrackWhore
This change is a minor edit.
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