Editing CategorySuitePage
The main entry for a suite (FourDimensionalSuite''''''s included). You can live all sorts of places. Relive the history of times past or think ahead to times yet to come. ---- EastieSuites, Presented Alphabetically to Avoid Chronology: *AngbandAndPuritySuite *BoilerSuite *BroSuite *BrothelSuite *ChessersSuite *CrackHall *CrackSuite *[[ DMSuite]] *DankMemeSuite (Legacy, 2014) *EntropySuite *FishBowl *FledglingSuite *FloodSuite *FroshCloneSuite *FroshCrackSuite *FunBallSuite *GirlsLockerRoom *GsixtyThree *HaloSuite *HomeworkSuck *ItrSuite *KusaiRechteAisselle *LoungeTroll *PornSuite *ProctorSuite *ScandalSuite *ShoweRingSuite *StinkingDogInn *SuiteInsomnia *SuiteJesus *TimeSuck (Legacy, 1997) *TreaSon *UmlautSuite *UnderStair *VirtualSuite *WankSuite ---- Somewhere Else: *EastSquared *ExileSuite *HypercubeSuite *SuiteVengeance *SuiteBetrayal ---- CategoryCategoryPage
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)