Editing CoreyLoescher
is a Mudder, now decided as a math major. *Actually, now taking a leave of absence, but hopefully will still be this in the future. was a swimmer in a previous life. hangs out in the lounge (And is a n00b at Smash), but can also be found in room 101 (2010-12). You can often find him in the lounge on nights before assignments are due, making sure that his work is neat. once hung out in XandaSchofield and MeganWheeler's room (Unfortunately has not done this in a while :(. ). also responds to Corey-with-an-E, Corey-with-a-gamma, and Tecate-frosh (also celery chooser, anagrammatically)(but not Andrew, damn it!). has a weak PatriNumber of 2. usually looks like a taller DanMoore or quieter JoshuaEhrlich. *How does one look quieter, exactly? **True, although this part was more accurate before Dan and I got haircuts. Also less relevant since both are dead. also wears shirts that make the unexpected expected. (As in "Nobody Expects...!") is almost always willing to play a game of Bang!, Betrayal, Settlers, Euchre, or MagicTheGathering (especially EDH). *Hmm... this list is rather long. ** All of these games need to be combined into one. Do it, frosh. --LeeWiyninger was DormJock for 2010-2011 (Campaign promise: does intramural stuff). is one of EastDormPresidents for 2011-2012 with BryanVisser. is currently in charge of soda machine, since Trystan, then Zvi left. *DON'T PICK RANDOM COREY DOESN'T UNDERSTAND RANDOM **First On-campus peson to respond to this comment with their wiki name will (most likely) be given soda machine duties has the very strange habit of rotating his sleep schedule (intends to stop this at some point). cannot accurately predict his grades, ever (F=C-?). Also now in KosherChords. *Err... Was before his leave of absence. Sorry, guys Room locations: * East 171 (2009-2010) * East 101 (2010-Fall 2011) ---- KissiWebNeighbors: * TrystanKoch * AnnJohnston * SonjaBohr * XandaSchofield * MattRichman * AlexisNast * KatieBennett Others can add themselves to the list as they see fit. CategoryHomePage
This change is a minor edit.
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