Editing DormArtisan
A list of people who do fun craft-type stuff. There's a number in the dorm--feel free to add yourself if you do something interesting. *FrancesHocutt--Knitting, sewing, embroidery. Some origami. During the year generally likes to focus on small, portable projects. *AndrewHunter--ChainMaille. **''BawMahNow!'' **Is kind of looking for work--practice makes perfect and all. Anyone want maille? *SarahFletcher--If it is crafty there is a good chance that I have either tried it or been meaning to try it. Most of the pillows in TimeSuckX are my fault. *AndrewTaylor--Jacket repair, wallet making, etc. ''Are there any heirs of DuctTapeGuy?''
This change is a minor edit.
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