Editing DragonServer
BeforeYouWereBorn (or perhaps as recently as Fall 2004), there was a void on the Mudd LAN. And the owner of Dragon said, "Let there be terabytes of EntirelyLegit divx movies," and there were movies. And the owner of Dragon said, "Let there be almost as much software," and there were warez, and it was well organized. And the owner of dragon looked upon his work and saw that it was good. In Spring of 2005, DragonServer disappeared from the network without warning, apparently due to its owner having been InvitedToRetire. However, I am excited to announce that now, as of Fall 2005, it is back online. And there was MuchRejoicing. Memories of Dragon *I remember the first time I heard Dragon mentioned, in hushed whispers. People talking about movies! And software! And pornography to suit everyone's tastes! I knew I had to get involved, so I begged JonathanBeall for a Mudd IP. I needed it. I needed to see this Dragon for myself. And I did. The pornography alone was plentiful and of a high enough caliber to make deposits into my spank bank for at least a month! I added Dragon's IP to my keychain and would connect just to browse through movies. I didn't even need to download anything; I just took comfort in the fact that it was there, waiting for me to say "Hrm, I haven't seen The Crying Game in a while. Why don't I watch that?" while intoxicated at four in the morning. Dragon will be sorely missed. --MacKenzieStuart Note: *Dragon was mostly mirrored onto Erdos. Damn Frosh, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???? *Dragon's porn collection was not mirrored onto Erdos. However, the new porn-only Dragon being maintained by a new owner, so all is well.
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)