Editing EastDormImprovements
Hey everybody! We've been given some undisclosed large sum of money to improve the dorm courtyard. You should put any and all suggestions here! SUGGESTIONS: * Couches ** note: Don't know if we are allowed to * Four Square --> paint on? * Swing set ** Will never happen * Make fire pit an actual functional fire pit ** I thought that one reason the fire pit was that the tree in the courtyard overhanging it made it a fire hazard. *** We actually bought a small metal fire pit, so this may be moot. * Better drainage for fire pit/hot tub. * Can we get a large, climbable tree? ** SECONDED. Rawr. - DanMoore * Turn the speakers into noise-cancelling speakers that we could use during North parties (see for example http://gilmore2.chem.northwestern.edu/projects/noise_prj.htm, or possibly just buy something from http://www.technofirst.com or another company). * Vacuum cleaner (Roomba?) * Kitten to ride the Roomba * Large tip for Georgina * FIX THE FUCKING LOUCH (please) **WOW CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER, YOU PASSIVE AGRESSIVE ASSHAT ALUM COME BUILD IT YOURSELF ***WE'RE DEAD, WHY WOULD WE BUILD THINGS * Resurface the plant table
This change is a minor edit.
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