Editing FloodSuite
FloodSuite is located in East 101 and 103. Apparently, the plumbing of the dorm is arranged such that it is possible for the shower to become clogged relatively easily. Once this has occurred, any water that the suite or TimeSuck uses comes up through the shower, flooding the suite. A brief summary of recent floods: * 1997-1998: The shower clogs, flooding out that year's occupants. * 1998-1999: The shower clogs, but the problem is corrected in time. * 1999-2000: The shower clogs over Thanksgiving break. Because TimeSuck is around for Thanksgiving, but not anyone living in the suite, any water used by TimeSuck ends up in the shower, then the bathroom, then both rooms of the suite. Some water even soaks under the wall to East 105. The occupants must sleep elsewhere for several days until the rooms become livable. * 2001-2002: The shower clogs, but the problem is corrected in time. * 2003-2004: Flood suite becomes the preferred showering venue of the dorm * 2004-2005: Flood suite becomes HaloSuite. ShoweRing moved to ShoweRingSuite * 2005-2006: HaloSuite moves out. One isolated proto-flooding incident fills the shower with gunk, but remains contained. The problem is relatively easy to avoid, as the shower drains more slowly as it becomes plugged. It is also recommended that the suite not be left unattended if TimeSuck is occupied. <i> Not that we're acquisitive expansionist imperialists or anything.</i> ---- CategorySuitePage
This change is a minor edit.
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