Editing GoodIdea
'''Good Ideas:''' * Long-distance downhill bowling * Long-distance downhill human bowling * Unmanned roof-exploration robots + cow-replacement robots * SlipAndSlideAnywhere * HonorCode * Light bulbs FILLED WITH NAPALM -- <SecondThought> BadIdea * LaserTag on Scripps (according to DeanChris ''Wait a minute, I thought DeanChris said it was a BadIdea originally...'') -- <SecondThought> GoodIdea * Writing your HumPaper about DungeonsAndDragons -- <SecondThought> GoodIdea. ''(Really? Have '''you''' tried it?)'' (I wrote a paper on RolePlaying and ended up getting a C+ in a class I was failing - EvilSouthie) * Going QuietlyInsane -- <SecondThought> any kind of insane is usually a BadIdea. * Including a C compiler with your distribution of *NIX * Speaking english as you feel it should be spoken, standards be damned. (If you use the word 'fasterly', this is you) ''it's funner that way'' * HappyNet * Taking a deep breath before jumping into a swimming pool. * Sleeping through Quizzes/Tests because you stayed up too late working on the affiliated BigPrank the night before.-- <SecondThought> [[BadIdea]]! * DrinkTillStems -- <SecondThought> BadIdea * Not-failing FroshChem * Recursive types (because uninhabited types are nifty). * Shooting from the EastDormGrassyKnoll * MichaelVrable administering a PurityTest -- <SecondThought> Already been attempted (twice); while it may be a GoodIdea, it may also be ImpossibleToAccomplish. * WhippedCreamSlipAndSlide * Going to every recitation, no matter what course. * Binutils that are half as smart as the version of gcc they're supposed to work with; specifically, a version of ld that has any kind of multilb support whatsoever. * PowerSteering * attaching JeffBrenion to SteveHaas with copious amounts of DuctTape (well, it'd be a GoodIdea up until Jeff gets killed) **<i>I'm willing to be flamed on Schmack for not agreeing that this is a GoodIdea. - ScrippsieCypress</i> **I'm thinking it's a GoodIdea so long as we don't cover Jeff's nose or mouth. Then he can breathe. GoodIdea enough for me. --MacKenzieStuart * TwisterChess * Tiling the bottom of the fountain at an EastDorm party with AOL and unsuccesfully burned CDs (shiny side up) instead of mirrors, preferably with the CDs attached together in some way like a net * Getting drunk the night before the FroshChem final -- <SecondThought> GoodIdea. Even a better idea before quantum exams. NO! BadIdea! Bad Wiki. No biscuit. ** I'd probably do about equally well on the quantum exam either way. ** <snipped as per participants request> <i>Thanks</i> * YourMom. -- <SecondThought> BadIdea. I don't know where the hell YourMom'''''s been. * LOTRaThon * HummusOnCheese. Someone said that was a BadIdea yesterday at EastMas. I disagree. ** This is entirely dependent on the types of cheese and hummus, as well as the quality of each. *HappyvilleAndRandom (go to the ItrGames to see for yourself ...) ''im starting to regret having created HappyvilleAndRobin...'' ** Some would disagree. The process that led to this game is the same process that made me stop going to the games altogether. --BrianYoung * QuantumMafia...now with more balefire! * Babylon5 five day marathons (of joy.) (See StephenYu.) * Give bad advice to GoodFrosh --<SecondThought> BadIdea. Very BadIdea. * Regular backups of your hard drive. Dammit. * SuperFridayMorningNight (but not SuperFridayMorningNightAfternoonLab) * (Odd Beethoven <nowiki>symphonies/Even</nowiki> StarTrek movies)aThon * JonabinSchriebeall * DragonServer * Holy Scriptures: Choose your own adventure style. ** I second this GoodIdea. Now who wants to do it? * MusicalChairs ("BadIdea when the music starts, GoodIdea when the music stops" -BrianYoung) * QuantumSettlers ** ...... um...... ** Not to be confused with [http://www.paradigmpuzzles.com/QT3Play.htm QuantumTicTacToe] *wanders off* -K *Donuts served in class immediately before midterm administration *Perpetual Stun *Glow in the Dark/UV-sensitive FunBall''''''s *LetterstoStumpy: Children give advice to a lonely tentacle monkey. *Adding to NerdyPeopleThatAreSexy *Halfblind Goldeneye *Using half water, half orange juice to make hot chocolate *Midnight trips to Baldy to play in fresh snow *MMOJP (Massively Multiplayer Online Jigsaw Puzzle) *Using VNC to 4chan the lounge *Rooming with BobChen ** We swear, every roommate gets hitched *Machining campus during RoomDraw *adding things to the BadIdea page you want other people to do for you *Playing DanceDanceRevolution at the same time as GuitarHero. *Doing BabyStems with MatheMatica (instead of MatLab) **Hm, how about MathCad? **Related item: doing BabyStems with ProLog (i.e. "?- fourierTransform... No.") **You got something against MatLab, the array smasher that only deals with arrays that index from 1? *Fortune -o emailed to schmack on a daily basis **<SecondThought> GoodIdea *Bacon Pancakes *Getting 19 people to give you discretionary proxy rights for a DormMeeting.... *FantasyCommunityL **<SecondThought> BadIdea ***<ThirdThought> FantasticIdea *LARPing a TuringMachine *Playing "The Wall" by PinkFloyd all the way through on AudioSurf ** AudioSurfing "Der Ring des Nibelungen" all the way through in one sitting. *Playing FunwikiContact on the ContactGames page. Rules at FunwikiContact. *DonutMan accepting Flex. *letting music shuffle determine when you go to bed. for example, load the funball playlist and go to bed when you hit rickroll. *buying a special pair of ItrGames sneakers, with important features being silence, traction, and arch support, in that order. *reading the Principia Discordia *Sharing the same (non-engineering) major, as Earl and Harry do. *Visiting Mudd multiple times per semester using only travel paid for by other ex-Mudders. ** So pro *Google+ Hangout Theater * Avoiding homework to play with TeddyTheBunny * ProcrastiNation * Pair programming for your CS major in Adam's room in Topless like, as Fay and Adam do. * Milk Yiffing **<SecondThought> BadIdea. Very bad. * Attaching freelines to the bottom of a chair * Living in Linde, which might cause you to avoid the biology major, as it did for Carol. * Making small replicas of Stumpy and sending them to the children of any East couples that have children. * Watching all the KaijuBooska episodes * Chess after midnight It should be noted that many apparent GoodIdea''''''s are actually BadIdea''''''s; each idea should be subjected to a SecondThought, to make sure it is genuinely good.
This change is a minor edit.
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