Editing HeatherJustice
Location: Pasadena, CA<br> AIM: HLJ<br> Current Standing: MuddAlumInDenial?<br> Job: She drives a mother fucking robot on mother fucking Mars. Hometown: Jarrettsville, MD<br> Favorite Color: PurPle (and the Purple Profile totally describes me, see the PurPle wiki page)<br> Favorite Music: ClassicRock<br> Favorite Band: Boston<br> Obsessively addicted to TetrisAttack. Also enjoys TacticsOgre and OgreBattle64, and at one point was playing FinalFantasyTactics and Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls.<br> Also addicted to Audiosurf when it (or my computer?) is not borken. If you play classic rock music on Audiosurf too, we should be Audiosurf friends so I can finally get those last two personal achievements... :-P<br> Loves animals, especially guinea pigs and degus.<br> Currently has one adorable little guinea pig named Erebus. Feel free to stop by and visit him (and me!) if you're ever in Pittsburgh.<br> Believes in human-animal equality (humans are animals, after all). Therefore thinks animals should be treated with respect (though, of course, we are bound by the laws of the food chain).<br> Sleeps. Really. Well, sometimes. More accurately, only a little. But does maintain some semblance of a sleep schedule.<br> Can't think of much more to write here, feel free to add stuff! ==== Old & Possibly Outdated: ==== Was at one point after Mudd a Robotics Masters student at CMU in Pittsburgh. Schedule: Fall 2009 10-701 CMU Machine Learning Guestrin M_W__ 10:30a-11:50a (Making robots learn...) 16-720 CMU Computer Vision Hebert M_W__ 3:00p- 4:20p (Making robots see...) 16-811 CMU Math Fundamentals for Robotics Erdmann _T_R_ 3:00p- 4:20p (Making robots possible...) ---- Schedule: Spring 2009 CSCI 196-01 HM Computer Science Colloquium Sweedyk ___R_ 4:15p- 5:30p GAPRYN CSCI 184-01 HM Computer Science Clinic II Keller _T___ 11:00a-11:50a GAMCAL ENGR 083-01 HM Continuum Mechanics Bassman _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p PA2358 ENGR 008-01 HM Design Representation & Realiztn King M_W_F 8:00a- 8:50a GA EDW MATH 157-01 HM Intermediate Probability Martonosi M_W_F 11:00a-11:50a BKB134 PSYC 108-01 HM Intro. to Social Psychology Mashek _T_F_ 9:35a-10:50a PA1285 LIT 179-01 HM Literary Moonwalkers Wernimont M_W__ 1:15p- 2:30p PLCFAB ---- Schedule: Fall 2008 CSCI 195-01 HM Computer Science Colloquium O'Neill ___R_ 4:15p- 5:30p GAPRYN CSCI 183-01 HM Computer Science Clinic I Keller _T___ 11:00a-12:00p BKB126 CSCI 140-01 HM Algorithms Pippenger _T_R_ 2:45p- 4:00p BKB126 ENGR 151-01 HM Engineering Electronics Staff... M_W__ 11:00a-12:15p PA1287 ENGR 153-01 HM Electronics Laboratory Baumgaertn M____ 2:45p- 5:30p PAB172 PSYC 140-01 CM Leadership Riggio __W__ 1:15p- 4:00p KS 101 DANC 140-01 PO Composition 1: Movement Explortn Cameron _T_R_ 6:00p- 7:30p PDLSTD PE 004-59 PO Hiking/geocaching Connell ____F 1:00p- 3:00p RACLAS PE 001-31 JP Life Bliss Meditation Carmichael M_W__ 7:00p- 8:00p SCT108 ?? CSCI 151 Grutoring Sood ????? ? - ? ? ---- Schedule: Spring 2008 CSCI 194-01 HM Computer Science Colloquium Sweedyk ___R_ 4:15p- 5:30p GAPRYN CSCI 154-01 HM Robotics Dodds _T_R_ 9:35a-10:50a BKB126 CSCI 151-01 HM Artificial Intelligence Alvarado M_W__ 11:00a-12:15p JAB134 ENGR 158-01 HM Intro. to CMOS VLSI Design Harris,D _T_R_ 2:45p- 4:00p TG 201 CLAS 133-01 PO Dreams, Omens, and Oracles Astorga _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p CR 04 PSYC 107-01 PZ Theories of Personality Vajk M____ 6:30p- 9:20p BH 110 HM CSCI 131 Grutoring Stone _T___ 9:00p-11:00p BKB102 HM ENGR 085 Lab Tutoring Harris,S U_____ 2:00p- 4:00p PAB183 ---- Schedule: Fall 2007 CSCI 193-01 HM Computer Science Colloquium O'Neill ___R_ 4:15p- 5:30p GAPRYN (See, I am a CS major!) CSCI 131-01 HM Programming Languages Stone _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p JAB132 (How many languages do I know...?) __W__ 5:45p- 6:35p BKB105 (PL's for dinner...) ENGR 085-01 HM Digital Elec/comp Engineering Harris,D M_W__ 11:00a-12:15p BKB126 (...And computer chips for snack!) ENGR 161-01 HM Comp Image Processing/analysis Wang M_W_F 9:00a- 9:50a JAB134 (Hmm, how to make all images purple...) PSYC 053-01 HM Introduction To Psychology Mashek M_W__ 1:15p- 2:30p PA1287 (Why are people so hard to understand?) RLST 179-01 HM Religion and Film Solano _T___ 2:45p- 5:30p PA1264 (Yay movie break!) ---- Schedule: Spring 2007 CSCI 121-02 PO Software Development Kampe _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p ML 134 (Big coding projects, fun fun.) CSCI 081-01 HM Computability and Logic Keller M_W__ 1:15p- 2:30p PA1285 (Plus half-Ran!) MATH 113-01 PO Cryptography Kurt M_W__ 2:45p- 4:00p ML 213 (The OTHER kind of code.) BIOL 052-04 HM Introduction to Biology Asai M_W__ 11:00a-12:15p GAMCAL (I'll like Bio if it's about animals!) _T___ 12:15p- 1:05p TG 201 (Almost finished core!) THEA 001-02 PO Introduction to Acting Thomas-S _T_R_ 9:00a-11:00a TE 122 (To be or not to be...) ENGR 084-01 HM Elec & Magnetic Circuits/dev Schaffer M_W__ 10:00a-10:50a GA EDW (Yes, that is non-core engineering.) ---- Schedule: Fall 2006 (I was too lazy to add my schedules for freshman year :-P) CSCI 105-01 Computer Systems Kuenning M_W__ 2:45p- 4:00p PA1285 (I AM taking a CS course this semester!) Kuenning __W__ 8:00p- 9:20p BKB105 (Yay late night CS lab!) CSCI 189-01 Programming Practicum Dodds _T___ 4:15p- 5:30p JAB134 (Is Dodds really as crazy as I've heard?) MATH 055-01 Discrete Mathematics Benjamin M_W__ 1:15p- 2:30p BKB126 (A must for any CS major...) ENGR 059-07 Intro to Engineering Systems Cha _T_R_ 9:35a-10:50a GAMCAL (Not just for engineering majors!) Staff ____F 10:00a-10:50a TG 103 (So near to the weekend...) PHYS 051-07 Electromagnetic Theory & Optics Lyzenga _T_R_ 8:10a- 9:25a GAMCAL (CS department is better at scheduling...) Sparks M_W__ 11:00a-11:50a TG 101 (Sigh, gotta love core...) PHYS 053-10 Electricity & Optics Laboratory Saeta ____F 12:40p- 2:40p JAB115 (Error analysis homework, what's that?) SOSC 180-01 Tropical Forests: Policy & Prac Steinberg _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p PA1264 (Save the rainforests!) <b>Freshman Year</b><br> Location: Suite Insomnia (East 165/163)<br> SuiteMates: SarahFletcher & LindsayTice & NancyEisenmenger<br> Is a FrOsh. PurpleFrosh, to be exact. From what we can tell from what editing she has done, HeatherJustice is simply the FrOsh who likes PurPle. ''This could be verified through the Pre-Frosh Forum if it still existed.'' ''Or, in fact, by a simple walk into Heather's room, East 165.'' ''Or by observation of what she wears.'' <b>Sophomore Year</b><br> Location: TimeSuckX (East 151/153)<br> SuiteMates: SarahFletcher & LindsayTice & NancyEisenmenger<br> Extension: x72036 (not that I'll remember this myself, of course)<br> Current Standing: SophoMore<br> DormOssifer Position: CAP Representative <b>Junior Year</b><br> Location: East 162<br> Imaginary RoomMate: LindsayTice<br> Extension: x76614 (not that I'll remember this myself, of course)<br> Current Standing: JuNior (ScaryUpperclassman!)<br> ASHMC Position: Junior Appeals Board Representative <b>Senior Year</b><br> Location: East 127<br> SuiteMate: SkyeBerghel<br> Extension: (no longer cares)<br> Current Standing: SeniorInDenial<br> Major: ComputerScience (yes, I'm one of those rare female Mudd CS majors) * Well, at least technically, though my schedule seems to suggest otherwise... (I'm not confused, really!) ASHMC Position: Senior Appeals Board Representative<br> ---- CategoryHomePage TimeSuck SuiteInsomnia SleepDepAddict DormOssifer SkirtDay WikiWhore2006
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