Editing HowToUseWiki
'''The basics:''' * Read pages. Follow links from page to page. Click on a page's title to see other pages that mention it. * To edit a page, follow the Edit Text link. Words smashed together to form a WikiName will AutoMagically become links. See the TextFormattingRules for more details, and experiment with editing in the WikiWikiSandbox. * Add a page by clicking on the "?" after a NewWikiName (please leave this one as illustration). Before you do this, read the guidelines below! * Go to CategoryHomePage and create a WikiName for yourself. * You can mark your work as a "minor edit." Use this when no one will want to reread the page just because of the changes. See MinorEdit for more specific guidelines. * FunWiki has an RSS feed: http://www3.hmc.edu/~jkentdobias/funwiki/index.cgi?action=rss&showedit=1&all=1&days=5 '''Guidelines for adding pages:''' * Please, don't make new pages without a good reason. Make a new page when you really have something to say. Remember, NearlyEmptyPages become obstacles to browsing. * If you think a WikiName should exist but you aren't ready to write a page about it, just leave the name in place with a ?. You can come back to it later. Often someone will have done the work for you. ** This does not mean that you should replace ''every instance'' of said word with a [[WikiName]]d version. If you have the time to do that, you have the time to write a page about it. * Once a WikiName has been created, it can never be destroyed completely. Think before you create. As they say on the original wiki, ''Content comes and goes, but UgLy is forever.'' ** This actually isn't quite true--it is possible to delete Wiki pages now. Only the wiki administrator can do so, however. Let him/her know if a page needs to be deleted. Still follow the rule of "Think before you create", though. * Don't make your WikiName plural. It is often possible to pluralize WikiName""s by adding letters. It is rarely possible to singularize a WikiNames in the same manner. '''Tips for editing pages:''' * See MakeItEvenBetter.
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)