Editing JoshCheung
Josh is a jOsh!!!!! Except that next year Josh will be a josh. So that's cool. Josh may also sometimes take the form of SwagJosh: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/493685630266638345/497249201558781972/IMG_1217.JPG The one true president of EastDorm. Found a message on his door after Funball spring 2019: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/719002560014581850/719017405233365113/SPOILER_337D98B3-FCC2-4584-B811-25AF45C7F890_1_105_c.jpeg note: photo was taken on 4/20 One of the developers of BongPong https://imgur.com/yk66Swx.jpg
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)