Editing NaNoWriMoGroupStory
You know its a good idea... Ok, here's what passes for rules: # We should try to turn out 50k words by the end of November... because it would be amusing. # Try to keep some level of continuity. Where some is defined as epsilon amount of continuity. # There is a plot discussion section and a writing section... we should hammer out some ideas for where this is going in the first couple of days before starting writing. # If you read this page, you should add something. ----- Plot disco: ''Some bored dead guy makes people do stuff just because their curiosity led them to investigate something or other. People do stuff, largely half-assedly.'' The dead guy used to be a ghost guardian-type-thing of the city. However, that got pretty boring after the first century or two, and they don't really need guarding anymore. Now, since the dead guy's bored out of his skull (it's buried in the next room over), he spends his time controlling people who get curious and investigate his tomb. ''Ooh, Shiny! Just people who enter the tomb, or greater radius of control? Do we want to focus on one particular set of people who have entered the tomb (and are controlled - horror story style) or do we want to focus on someone not controlled in the city who tries to counteract the guardian thingie?'' *Personally, I think both aspects would be worth investigating. Personally, I would be inclined to do tell the story from a variety of viewpoints, starting with a group of individuals who are investigating the tomb for whatever reason, and are possessed. The ghost then uses his possessed people to lure more people to the graveyard so he can possess *them* as well, and tries to take over the city in this fashion. Someone catches on, and then the story alternates between his actions and schemes and those of the people trying to stop him. This, of course, assumes the ghost can possess multiple people and maintain control beyond the graveyard. If that's not the case, he'd have to take a different approach, of course. We should decide on a style to write this in before plot discussion goes much farther. Given where it looks like its going we could do horror (Lovecraftian perhaps?), adventure, illuminati-esque, or just plain silly (which seems to work best for getting contributions). And there are probably other possibilities i'm not thinking of right now. But our style choice will affect what is appropriate. *''True, though conversely we could choose a plot and then pick a style based on that. It works both ways. I'd be inclined to not go straight horror, but that's because I like witty quips like the thing about him and his skull up top. *''I'm highly amused that a crack I was making about Nick being a WankerTroll became the premise for this. Carry on.'' **<nowiki>Umm, err.. ju13x0|2, what the hell? --WankerTroll1</nowiki>? ***''You're dead. You're bored. And jobbie #4 up there (which you're responsible for) is making us do stuff.'' ----- Writing: It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out. A lady screamed. And so on. ----- CategoryStory
This change is a minor edit.
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