Editing SamGray
SamGray is a SontagFrosh from Maine who plays the French horn. He is in an ethereal state as the result of a compromise. As such, he is both existent and nonexistent at the same time. It was later concluded that he is bottom, a logical contradiction. No one knows anything for sure about him now. === Quotes === ''"I went to the bathroom. It was glorious."''<br> ''"Edward made me feel like I was pregnant."''<br> ''"Yes is no, and no is no, and it is always rape."''<br> ''"Pie! Please resopon!"'' - Subject of an email asking for pie orders in the SontagFrosh giant pie thing. <br> ''"Conscious dead girls are more interesting."''<br> * This should be on a t-shirt somewhere. <br> ''"If you come across a tree in a forest and there are two guys with axes, does it matter which one kills you?"''<br> ''"That's more blood than I can drink!"'' - When watching Kill Bill<br>
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)