Editing ScottAlmond
ScottAlmond is in the class 2011 and is living with AndreyShur in East for the 08-09 school year. Birth Day: Fluctuates periodically, but remains constant in December * "Oh the muffins. Ignore the muffins." -SA ** "So there are these two muffins sitting in an oven..." *** "One turns to the other and says 'The cake is a lie'" **** "UCLA is awful. They have threesomes where we have singles." - SA http://i32.tinypic.com/s2h53p.jpg ---- Because I can't think of anything else right now, feel free to check out my page on dA: == [http://www.parallellogic.deviantart.com/ My Pagey] == ---- CategoryHomePage EastDormClassOf2011
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)