Editing ThriftSHMC
ThriftSHMC stands for Thrift Shoppers of Harvey Mudd College. Anyone can join our fabulous mailing list: thrift-l Here are some of the fabulous bargins our members have purchased: MarcyLaViollette: * Bowling Ball (Lexie) * Bowling Ball Bag * A pristine copy of "There'sAMonsterAtTheEndOfThisBook" * Couch ($4) * Murder mystery games AdamBliss: * 20 MHz Oscilloscope ($30) * Comfy Chair ($8) * Russian spy shirt JohnMcCullough: * Lots of wire coat hangers * Golf club ErinSperry: * Beer Drinker's shirt * 69 sign GrantClifford: * New indentical bathrobe * Russian spy shirt NickTaylor * Indecent Exposure * Tabloid Headlines
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)