Editing TrifectaOfHappiness
A TrifectaOfHappiness is a combination of three things that over a long period of time (such a a year), or a short period of time (such as a day) that cause a person intense happiness. Technically, "trifecta" is the improper word for this event, as it means "a variation of the perfecta in which a bettor wins by selecting the first three finishers of a race in the correct order of finish," but it definitely sounds incredibly nice. Despite the dirty lies MacKenzieStuart told another, the proper terms would be "triumvirate" as it doesn't only refer to a ruling body of three, but also to a "group or association of three." (''I officially agree with this definition.'' -MassiveMassiveDictionary). Meh, proper word usage is for pussies. *Apparently, we are [http://www.partiallyclips.com/pages/archive.php?id=1046&b=1 not the first people] to use "trifecta" in this manner. Maybe MacKenzieStuart isn't crazy. ** Nonsense. She's just crazy for other reasons. The TrifectaOfHappiness is a product of MacKenzieStuart not having enough sleep but certainly having too much energy. Examples of a TrifectaOfHappiness (insert proper pluralization here): *Bingo, pie and a new Powerbook --MacKenzieStuart *Good scenery, a beautiful woman, and a good drink --TheIrresponsibleCaptainTylor (episode 6 I believe) *ChrisErickson, MacKenzieStuart and FrancesHocutt, dorm presidents for 2005-2006 *Clinic, MicroPs, and DickensHardy -- MichaelBraly (and yes, I put this in the right spot.) *To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women! -- ConanTheBarbarian BrianYoung postulates the existence of an opposing TrifectaOfBitterness, which has much the opposite effect.
This change is a minor edit.
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