Editing WikiDegreesOfSeparation
A creation of DanCicio and EvilSouthie in a conversation, WikiDegreesOfSeparation strives to find interesting paths between WikiPages, based off of the SixDegreesOfKevinBacon game (alternately, Erdos numbers and PatriNumber""s). <b>Rules</b> * Don't use CategoryHomePage * No backlinks * No RecentChanges * No WikiDegreesOfSeparation * No StronglyConnectedComponents :''To cheat, go to http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~readams/shortpath.cgi'' ::''No longer works. Is it still searching ~mvrable?'' :''A newer, functional version is available [http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~atolson/6degfunwiki/index.py here]'' <b>Example</b> :The first use of this was an attempt to link MattBrubeck to BrianRoney. :After a comment that it would go through the MathDepartment, DanCicio came up with: MattBrubeck -> JointMajor -> MathMajor -> MathDepartment -> PreFrosh -> PreFroshWeekend -> JohnWalseth -> SuperSmashBrothers -> BrianRoney :BrianRoney was actually thinking of a different path. Apparently if you contract PreFrosh -> JohnWalseth you get ProfessorLevin. MattBrubeck -> JointMajor -> MathMajor -> MathDepartment -> ProfessorLevin -> SuperSmashBrothers -> BrianRoney :We then came up with: MattBrubeck -> RobAdams -> CurtisVinson -> MasterOfOrionTwo -> BrianRoney. :Then RobAdams automated it and came up with MattBrubeck -> BenZeckel -> MarissaAnderson -> BrianRoney. :To get back, however, all that's needed is BrianRoney -> ChessersTournament -> CurtisVinson -> MattBrubeck. <b>The longest shortest path</b> :OK, there was some difficulty in determining this, but thanks to EvilSouthie I found the bug in my longest shortest path searcher. The actual, official longest shortest path, as of Sun 9/22/02, is: :Length 13: PaperClipDelusion -> StephGrush -> ProgMetal -> BenZeckel -> JessicaFisher -> AndrewSchoonmaker -> FilkSong -> BestShmackEver -> MoreBestSchmackEver -> MuddHole -> PizzaPlace -> FoodPlace -> SleazyBurger -> BoysenberryShake :<i>To generate, go to http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~readams/longshortpath.cgi</i>. Not necessary since it won't give you updated results, since it draws from a static database periodically synced to the Wiki database. :--RobAdams <b>More graph fun</b> :If anyone wants to do some serious analysis of the FunWiki link graph, run FunWiki:action=links&exists=1 for an adjacency list. Each line starts with the name of a page, followed by the links it contains (warning: slow and CPU-intensive, do not overuse). Go to MeatBall:LinkDatabase and MeatBall:IndexingScheme for more possibilities. :Interesting facts about the FunWiki graph: ** There is more than one non-trivial component. That is, the graph of all of the WikiNodes on FunWiki is not connected. Further, more than one non-trivial component exists (non-trivial: not an isolated vertex/node). ** RobAdams wrote a script to find the StronglyConnectedComponents of the directed link graph. ** RobAdams wrote a script to find WikiIsland''''''s in the directed link graph. :I've tried a couple of the MeatBall:IndexingScheme scripts on FunWiki. For a start, here are the Shortest Path Pages, [http://www3.hmc.edu/~mvrable/funwiki/path.html with] and [http://www3.hmc.edu/~mvrable/funwiki/path-nohome.html without] homepages included (Curtis is indeed near the top). This script could easily be modified to find all-pairs shortest paths in the directed wiki graph, which would be a quick (if cheesy) way to answer some of the questions on this page. :If you want a new challenge that's not as susceptible to automation, try finding the LongestPath on FunWiki... * Presumably you mean longest ''acyclic'' path...-ChainMaille
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