[Home]History of ClayHambrick

Revision 14 . . May 12, 2012 19:10 by c-68-38-200-11.hsd1.nj.comcast.net

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 3c3
ClayHambrick is a former ThirdFloorEastie FrOsh, who once lived in the LowerEastSide? of EastDorm. He is now a GradStudent? in AstroPhysics? at PrincetonUniversity?, and so will be checking FunWiki even less often now than he did before.
ClayHambrick is a former ThirdFloorEastie FrOsh, who once lived in the LowerEastSide? of EastDorm. He graduated as a GradStudent? in AstroPhysics? at PrincetonUniversity?, and is now on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/dclayh and so will be checking FunWiki even less often now than he did before.

Removed: 21d20

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