[Home]History of DavidCoyne

Revision 35 . . (edit) September 15, 2004 11:33 by DavidCoyne

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 2c2
*ShoweRing Assistance Tally: 31 incidences
*ShoweRing Assistance Tally: 32 incidences

Changed: 5,10c5
DavidCoyne has been known to make a few HotTubs, assassinate a few JoseluisEspinosas, climb a lot of trees, and get DuctTaped to a few walls. No matter how little he sleeps, he is never tired.

NickHerman: "David, how much drugs do you take?" DavidCoyne: "I take no much drugs!"

"Insects are best!"

Frequently hassled by TheMan.
DavidCoyne has been known to cut down toilet paper with a sword, make a few HotTubs, assassinate a few JoseluisEspinosas, climb a lot of trees, get DuctTaped to a few walls, swing from a few ropes, sit under/in a box or ClifMobbs and sleep with a few AndrewCampbell?s. Not that he needs sleep.

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