[Home]History of KimEspinoza

Revision 36 . . (edit) May 3, 2010 20:48 by c-68-35-148-252.hsd1.nm.comcast.net

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 4,7c4,7
Dental student (2004, USC). Need a dentist? email kespinoz@usc.edu (seriously)
Current residence: LosAngeles. Wayne Manor with DianaSherman? (Scripps grad) and 2 Pomona grads.
Previous resident of: AlpineButterflyLodge, ProctorSuite
Current pets: Buster and Keaton (2 rabbits)
Now a Real Dentist.
Current residence: NewMexico?.
Previous resident of: AlpineButterflyLodge, ProctorSuite, LosAngeles
Current pets: Buster (a rabbit), two dogs and two cats (not rabbits)

Changed: 9,10c9
Web page: http://www-scf.usc.edu/~kespinoz where you can find... not much... but lots of her poetry.

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