[Home]History of MartinPyne

Revision 115 . . (edit) July 17, 2013 17:00 by [disclaimer]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 42c42
RoomNumber: [REDACTED], Iowa City, IA

RoomNumber: [REDACTED], Sunnyvale, CA

Changed: 49c49
Fall 2011 Schedule (Central Time)
Fall 2013 Schedule

Changed: 51,55c51,53
LAW 232 Constitutional Law II MTW 9:10-10:00 Bonfield
LAW 272 Basic Fed Income Taxation MTW 12:40-14:00 Grewal
LAW 306 Cyber and Electronic Law TW 15:20-16:50 Johnson
LAW 208 Antitrust Law RF 11:00-12:30 Hovenkamp
LAW 425 Journal of Gender, Race & Justice ARR Sandler
CS 999 Gainful Employment MTWRF 9:30-18:30 Spirent
PE 937 Quidditch II R 17:30-20:00 Oelze
PE 934 Quidditch S 13:00-16:30 Fischgrund

Changed: 58,71c56

MartinPyne is too lazy to list everything he's seen in their entirety, but he has a status of "current and updating" on the following works of fiction:
* NaruTo (anime only)
* HowIMetYourMother?
* DoctorWho -- see also GoodIdea
* TheSarahJaneAdventures? -- see also CompletionWhore?
* Futurama
* Eureka
* WhiteCollar?
* Chuck
* Glee (?)
* Community
* Leverage

MartinPyne doesn't actively check FunWiki anymore. This page is preserved because he finds it entertaining.

Changed: 74c59
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