[Home]History of TimBuchheim

Revision 20 . . July 24, 2020 15:53 by [* updated my office. Oops, I should have done that a long time ago. Also, removed Google+ (LOL) and added Twitter/Instagram.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 28c28
* office: Beckman B101
* office: Olin B159

Changed: 30,33c30,34
* email: tcb at cs (tim at cs if you can't remember that)
* Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tim1724 (yes, I'll friend you if I know who the hell you are. But please don't take offense if I decline and I really do know you.. I'm just bad with names.)
* Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/101715119660602738549
and a billion other ways, but that should be enough to find me.
* email: tcb at cs (if you can't remember that then tim at cs also works)
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tim1724 (yes, I'll friend you if I know who the hell you are. But please don't take offense if I decline and I really do know you.. I'm just bad with names.)
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/tim1724
* Instagram: https://instagram.com/tim1724
and about a billion other ways, but that should be enough to find me.

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