[Home]History of TimeSuck7

Revision 3 . . March 26, 2004 9:46 by hmc-56-33.st.hmc.edu

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 4c4,15
* BrianYoung
* BrianYoung

So, which one is Chris?
My vote goes to BillHewitt.
No, "Chris" would be Marshall. Don't you see? It should be Benj, Bill, Brian, and Chris.
I really think the solution is Benj, Bill, Brian, and Barshall. -BenjAzose

It's unnecessary to pick one, because the Chrisitivity of the adjacent room induces a relative Chrisness
in the two closest neighboring TimeSuck residents, thus fulfilling the necessary Chris-level of the suite as a

I have heard it suggested that TimeSuck7 should strive to be the cross product of TimeSuck5 and TimeSuck6. I'm not sure about this yet, but there are certainly some traits that I think we want to be orthogonal to. -BenjAzose

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