GHuRU - Natural Language Processing (NLP)
GHuRU ||
HRU ||
RCF ||
Search Engine ||
In this design, I have assumed the existence of a working,
RCF-compatible Natural Language Processing unit. Here, I will attempt
to explain the basics of what is required of such a system to be of
value to GHuRU.
The NLP unit must be able to convert most english text into RCF, and
be able to make reasonable guesses regarding unknown words and
phrases. A feedback learning loop could help GHuRU understand what
made a good guess. Presumably some sort of learning algorithm would
be used in this case, in conjunction with the Reliability Weighting system (the way by which
the accuracy or the believability of some given information is
GHuRU's modular design allows for parallel development of the
different parts. This is where the necessity for the standard form
(RCF) comes out. It allows different groups to
work independently on the various modules of the system. As long as
their modules adhere to the RCF specification, they will all work together.
GHuRU ||
HRU ||
RCF ||
Search Engine ||
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