Week 10

We decided to extend the last week and a half as a single sprint until when we present (on Thursday 12/12). Therefore, the prioritized goal stack listed below will consist of goals that we want done for the end of the project. This is somewhat limited in scope compared to earlier in the semester, in terms of numbers of levels, but accurately reflects the amount of time we have to put into the game. Also, we have given each of these tasks specific owners, so as we can track our own progress vis a vis the rest of the team.

Prior week's goal stack:

Complete fix of restart game functionality.
Complete fix of play button animation bugs.
Complete fix of fuel cell swipe-to-remove bugs.
Add item outline to bottom of screen, make this a necessary win condition.
Design the scene so that it can be loaded from a plist.
Save and persist user progress.
Add general settings (eg. for toggling audio).
Design a bunch of levels according to our plist standard.
Create a fully fleshed-out menu with a level map.

This week's goal stack:

Instructions on how to play the game (text overlays and popups) -- Bryan
Hard-code second level (will consist of a separate scene, not using the level factor/plist method discussed previously) -- Eoin
Transition between levels -- Ethan or Eoin (depending on who it makes sense to do it, based on the progress with the second level)
A basic level menu with buttons for each level -- John
Writing a simple boolean flag to file of hasCompletedLevel that is checked to determine what level to open to -- John
Make start/end paths curve (currently they are straight) -- Ethan
Fix the fuel bar/fuel cell swipe-to-remove problems -- Bryan
Fix play/stop button animation-related bugs -- Eoin
Fix spaceship transition at start of level, have ti fly along path to start state -- Ethan
Meta-comment: finish the management plan -- Eoin
Investigate static analysis tools to mention in the presentation -- OCLint vs Xcode Analyze -- Eoin