Envision was written, and is maintained by, Dan Stevenson and Margaret Fleck. The original implementation was done at the Computer Vision Laboratory at the Computer Science Department at the University of Iowa. Dan is now at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Margaret is now at Harvey Mudd College.
Copyright on the software and the documentation is held by the University of Iowa on behalf of the authors. This work was developed with funding from NSF grants IRI-9209728, IRI-9501493, and IRI-9420716.
We have tried to ensure that all information in this manual is correct and up-to-date, and that the implementation works properly. However, no one is perfect and this is a research prototype. We advise you to double-check facts that are critical to your application and we apologize in advance for any errors. Please inform us if you find any errors, as we would like to correct them.
Please read the following disclaimers and conditions of use.
Scheme48 was written by Jonathan Rees and Richard Kelsey and is maintained by Richard Kelsey. It comes with its own disclaimers and conditions of use, which we also advise you to read.
The Scheme48 manual pages were put into html by Margaret Fleck. Please report formatting bugs with the on-line version to her.
We would like to thank our many friends and colleagues who have provided advice and references. They should not, however, be held responsible for any errors in this implementation or manual.