** About once a semester, find someone with a big car or truck and take the cans to be recycled. The driver gets %10 of the proceeds, and the rest goes to EastDormConcessions to subsidize the vending machines. The recycling place is just off-campus at |
** About once a semester, find someone with a big car or truck and take the cans to be recycled. The driver gets 10% of the proceeds, and the rest goes to EastDormConcessions to subsidize the vending machines. The recycling place is just off-campus at |
A-1 Upland Recycling 1248 W. Ninth Street
The larger goal of the recyler is to keep the dorm clean and waste-free. Be the one person in the dorm who worries about cleanliness and the environment so that others don't have to. Notice when things are messy or wasteful and fix them. Do this quietly and without complaint: the recyler is a humble servant. Get others to help you, but not by whining or ordering. Speak with your actions. "I'm going to clean the lounge this afternoon. Anyone who wants to help, feel free to stop by and lend a hand."
Things That Were on this wiki node as recyclable but which I don't see in the flyer and hence cannot confirm
Stuff you can't recycle
Note: Hazardous Waste, large appliences, and some other things can't be thrown out either. For information on dealing with Hazardous waste go to [HHW-Website].
To ask the city of Claremont about recycling call: (909) 399-5431