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* ChrisPries When I saw this movie, I liked it, though i could see many people not liking it. It had some... uh, vulgar... parts, where I had to close my eyes. All in all, though, it was a few vulgar parts separated by some really funny parts. You definately need to have seen the movies it parodies to really appreciate this.
* ChrisPries When I saw this movie, I liked it, though i could see many people not liking it. It had some... uh, vulgar... parts, where I had to close my eyes. All in all, though, it was a few vulgar parts separated by some really funny parts. You definitely need to have seen the movies it parodies to really appreciate this.

This seems a bit silly, given that the Scream movies were already spoofs of the horror genre.


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Last edited May 18, 2003 3:47 (diff)