FroshCrackSuite was formed in the fall of 2003 by
JoshSinanan, and
StephenYu, and officially declared as such by
MikelGrenzner. All four are complete
CrackWhores, and may be found engaging in Crack at any hour (They have been known to play
SettlersOfCatan before noon, or have impromptu
HaLo parties at 4 am. [you forgot
to include Risk 2210 games played on weeknights, during which the phrase "I still need to do my <insert frosh class>
homework" is oft repeated. --
- Uh, FroshCrackSuite does not have HaLo parties at 4 am. While 75% of its residents may participate, that does not change the fact that HaloSuite is responsible for these parties.
FroshCrackSuite became rather less visible in the latter part of Fall Semester, mostly because all of us except RichardGarfinkel became utter HaLo whores and spent far too much time playing it in Jimmy J's room. Our average HaLo consumption per day was estimated by some at around 4.5 hours. Members can most frequently be found playing HaLo in East 114, working or playing SettlersOfCatan in East 165, or in their beds attempting to avoid SleepDep.
Honorary memebers: GregSandstrom, JamesOsburn (Jimmy J)
- Nobody ever told me about this... --RichardGarfinkel
- It's generally accepted by the rest of us, and I'm pretty sure its been referred to in conversations where you haven't been around. I'm pretty sure neither of them minds, and that Stephen and Josh agree.
- It was up on Josh and Stephen's WhiteBoard for most of the semester, I believe.
- So was NotSteve's name, but nobody ever bothered to learn it, did they?
- I am honored to be assosiated with this proud, CrackWhoreing establishment. -Greg
Crack of choice:
RichardGarfinkel: CrackInTheAC, SettlersOfCatan
EricBerglund: HaLo, Chess, SettlersOfCatan, WarcraftIII, EscapeVelocity, Risk, Diplomacy
- You forgot wanking...
- Wanking isn't crack. It's more of a hobby.
Stephen and Josh are too lazy to ever use Wiki, So I've filled in some common stuff for them:
StephenYu: HaLo, SettlersOfCatan, Risk, Space (
JoshSinanan: Chess, HaLo, Risk, SettlersOfCatan