The first player starts by choosing either rock, paper or scissors, and showing the second player. The second player then chooses rock, paper or scissors, and the winner is determined per standard Rock Paper Scissors rules.
Wait, I'm not sure it's identical, since it ends by design, rather than by choice. I propose an alternative: RecursiveRockPaperScissors?, players take turns either choosing R/P/S or declaring the game to be done and the winner to be evaluated.
RockScissors? works so much better as a two-player StupidNim? equivalent. In event of tie, you play another game. Eventually someone wins. I can tell you from experience that this is way more fun than most RPS matches. -LoriThomas
I still think the one which is one step farther back from Rock (two steps back from RockScissors?) is the absolute funniest one. -RobinBaur
This doesn't work either. In StupidNim?, it's impossible to fail at your attempt to lose. I've seen both players throw scissors at the same time, resulting in a failed attempt to end the game with a loss.