Current residence: Bay area somewhere, exact location varies. |
2022 residence: Saint Louis |
Always looking for people in the bay area to play some BoardGames or tennis with! |
Always looking for people in the area to play some BoardGames or tennis with! |
Hmm, is there anything else that needs to go on this page? Suggestions welcome. |
Depending on how you count, may or may not be in competition with JulianEvans for number of fields of study.
2022 residence: Saint Louis
Always looking for people in the area to play some BoardGames or tennis with!
Pwned all* at pingpong. (*At Mudd, for the first three years. Hasn't really played pingpong for a while now. )
Enjoys taunting inquisitions. This is bad for his health as it results in him being assaulted. In a very related note, was apparently in 4th place in the pun race for a bit! Well, DavidLapayowker phrases it as "will be fourth to be executed when the Pun Inquisition seizes power." Same thing, really.
Feels like a WikiPage? feels more "right" written in third person, hence has written most of it in third person.
JasonWinerip has noted the lack of ChuckNorris? on this page. Technically, this was never true. ChuckNorris? was and is everywhere. His presence on this page is now simply more explicit.
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