It is a giant wooden compass rose. LieselHilkemeyer made the design and used the LaserCutter? and MachineShop? to make the individual pieces. The measurements were slightly off and required a 2am hand-breaking of wood to kind-of fit together (oops, everyone remember measuring things should be exact) and stacking of all their earthly possessions on top of and underneath the rose for proper support. It was kicked in the dark and is slightly misshapen because of this. Room101? still might have some wood glue in the carpet (shhh). The design is of a compass with a rose on it and the directions are labeled according to HarveyMuddCollege's Directions (North, East, West, South).
QuinnMiyamoto, SamWheeler, ColePlepel?, and ElliotSnyder worked on staining the wooden compass a red color. LieselHilkemeyer and ElioThadhani blew up 4-5 foot tall rose balloons to hang on the NorfLoungeCeiling? (after testing in Room101?). ColePlepel? made origami roses and hearts to leave on their lounge and as valentine's day cards to Norf Dorm.
After visiting LongTallGlasses early on, the group tried to stay awake in the lounge by watching the StarWars Prequels (as an educational experience for ColePlepel? who hadn't seen most of the StarWars movies before) but people ended up falling asleep in the lounge. Around 3am the crew made their way over to NorfLounge? and tried sticking the rose to many things, eventually settling on the paper towel dispenser. A ladder and crutches were used by ElioThadhani to be able to attach the balloons to the ceiling.
A few days later, they got the rose back from RachelZhang but the balloons stayed on their ceiling for months to come.