Editing 1d100
A legendary die, almost always substituted for by 10*(1d10-1) + 1d10. * ''Dude, you misspelled [(10*(1d10 mod 10)+(1d10 mod 10)-1) mod 100]+1.'' ** Depends on personal preference, I guess. I always use 10*1d10 + 1d10, but my 1d10s are numbered from 0 to 9. *** Depending on your preference (or more importantly which game you're playing) you may need results from 00-99 or 01-100. Makes the difference between a critical hit and a riotous stumble for that magic 00/100 roll. **** [[The]] hell? It's always 1d10 * 10 + 1d10. 00 is read as 100. Always. What whacked games have you been playing? There's a reason why all D+D 1-100 tables have 00 ''at the bottom''. Though personally, I prefer 1d20s with 1-10 twice, but I like to roll it old-school. --NickJohnson ***** You are old-school. I mean, like, Ice Age old-school. ****** Clarification: are you referring to the actual time period, or the Magic expansion? * ''...Um... You can get 1d100s at quite a few game/hobby shops. They're really quite amusing, as they're basically a sphere. --Marissa'' ** See also: [WikiPedia:Zocchihedron] Don't play systems that are based off of the d100. Unless you want to have a variance on your dice rolls of "your hit and run attack works so well that their crew mutinies" to "your hit and run attack works so poorly that you forget how to pilot your ship and crash into a planet". * So basically you mean "Unless you're playing Paranoia" -MacKenzieStuart ** I said unless that was your desired result ;).
This change is a minor edit.
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