Editing 24HourCrack
Spring 2013 East lounge migrated to Sprague. There was pizza and chipotle. CokeYo managed to cheese a LoL game in 15 minutes by pushing mid. ThomasMorganWitts was a wonderful team player. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring 2012 We're back, new location but same old crack. Updates below. *12pm - 3pm: LoL *3pm - 6pm: Killing Floor/TF2/More LoL/Betrayal *6pm: TF2/Halo/CHIPOTLE/Online Dominion Suggestions for next: Starcraftttttttt Participants: Add yourself! *Unsorted: *Special Guests: *Hardcore (all 24 hours): **Joseph Dearden ** Patrick Meehan ** Josh Oratz ** Devon Stork ** William Grabill ** Jeff Hemphill ** Alex Eng ** [[Dersek]] *Almost Hardcore: ** Dietrich Langenbach ** KevinMcSwiggen (can't remember if there for the beginning) *Casual: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring 2011! GregoryFong is updating (or maybe it's actually someone else?!) with what we're be generally playing. *1pm - Magicka *3pm - NS *6pm - TF2 *10pm - L4D2 I suppose I might as well put this here, but if anyone feels like playing Minecraft, I have a server set up at that people are free to join (assuming no local minecraft servers are in higher demand). Standard requests of not destroying/griefing/blowing up existing things apply. -- KwangKetcham Participants: Add yourself! *Unsorted: ** KwangKetcham (prototype27) ** BenFreeland (finalfrog) ** AkashRakholia (WormholeX) ** GregoryFong ** (RageAsylum) ** JasonGarrettGlaser (Dark Shikari) ** (AlcatrazSniper) ** (AlcatrazHero) ** (Torr) ** LeeWiyninger (SeaCalMaster) ** MatthewWodrich (LordTerminus) ** TrevinMurakami ([[TrevinMurakami|spellman23]]) ** JeremyLennert (Manxome) ** (Erinyes) ** (Jelena) ** [[Dersek]] *Special Guests: ** NotSteve ** (I forgot his handle, but he played TF2 when NotSteve and Hunter and others were on...) *Hardcore (all 24 hours): *Almost Hardcore: *Casual: ** AlexYoung (Calder) ** AndrewHunter (UltimaRatioRegum) ** SamJust (rexludorum) ** PeterMawhorter (solsword, cereal experiments: grain) ----- Spring 2010 -last update: 2:25 PM Monday BenFreeland was deputized to run the first chunk of crack (much to his alarm). He also is providing his fridge again if he can find some way to get it down there... *2:00-3:00 pm - Team Fortress 2 (possibly with bots if there's a lack of people initally) *3:00-4:00 pm - Possible switch to L4D2 if there's still not enough people and the number of players is reasonably divisible by 4. *4:00-6:30 pm - Team Fortress 2 agains *6:30-9:00 pm - Dystopia *9:00-10:30 pm - unplugged! board games galore! (concurrent with small plugged games if people want, but unplugged takes precedence, also Achron!) *10:30 pm-12:00 am - DotA, LoL, Pudge Wars, etc. *12:00 am-2:00 pm - LoL, L4D, L4D2, Borderlands Participants (adjust yourself to where appropriate): * Hardcore (all 24 Hours) ** MattRichman ** DanielBujalski (Trix2000) ** DavYust (Aii) ** BenSmith (cheezy52) ** IanStLawrence ** MatthewWodrich (LordTerminus) *Almost Hardcore ** TimNguyen (Big McHugeLarge) ** LeeWiyninger (SeaCalMaster) ** IvanHernandez (Vayne) ** KwangKetcham (prototype27) ** BenNormoyle ** DanCiliske (Dannas) ** DietrichLangenbach * Others ** AlexYoung (Calder) ** WilliamGrabill ** MarkBerghel ** NamiYonis ** MichaelMorton ** MaxwellLee (BadEnoughDude) ** JasonGarrettGlaser (Dark Shikari) ** AkashRakholia (WormholeX) ** RyanBrewster (bonkers) ** SkylerKaufman ** DanielPoore ** [[Dersek]] (Kesre) ** JacksonNewhouse (Hajt) ** RobinDobashi ** MattKeeter (spacedude) ** BenFreeland (finalfrog) ** KevinOelze (Alaszun, played L4D2 during Dystopia to celebrate the spirit, since I couldn't be there in person) ** JasonWinerip (Patroklos, who nailed his final the next morning despite lacking the discipline to study) ** ToliPaine (Epic Fail Guy) * Watching others play via Steam Friends while doing Homework ** TrevinMurakami ([[TrevinMurakami|spellman23]]) ----- Spring 2009 -last update: 2:40pm Going from Saturday March 14th to Sunday March 15th, 2pm to 2pm It was EPIC. Over 30 players participated, although not all at once. Some of the highlights include a large variety of board games and a variety of really bad jokes. Also, it was the site of yet another really stupid strategy StarCraft game. There was some TF2 Scout achievements, Super Smash Bros. 64 version, UT3 managed to get itself working and people played the co-op campaign, and some very epic, and yet hilarious Left4Dead Versus games. Why the heck does it spawn the Tank during the first few seconds of the 2nd Chapter? Oh, and several games of Pudge Wars. Oh my goodness the hooks. Special Thanks for BenFreeland for the fridge, SuiteTreason and KevinOelze for bringing some awesome stuff like the N64 and RockBand, StevenBerler for helping drive to pick up Chipotle. And of course some very special people for bringing the funk. 17 players still in the room at 8:30am. 10 made it to 2pm on Sunday, although not all participated for all 24 Hours. Participants (adjust yourself to where appropriate): * Hardcore (all 24 Hours) ** TrevinMurakami (spellman23) ** PeterMawhorter (solsword) ** KwangKetcham (prototype27) ** LianaEngie(Torr) ** LeeWiyninger *** woohoo 25 hours! * Made it to 8:30am ** StevenBerler (Berler) ** DavYust (Aii) ** Ted ** DanielBujalski (Trix2000) ** AlexYoung (BishOp / Paladin / Calder) ** MatthewWodrich (Terminus) ** Ivan (Vayne) ** BobChen (Lasagna) ** Toli Paine (Epic Fail Guy) ** RyanBrewster ** Daniel Poore ** BenSmith (cheezy52) * Others: ** Jason (Darkshikari) ** Max (McLovin) ** Akash (WormholeX) ** MatthewKeeter ** AdamField ** ChrisFerguson (Metathulu) ** Ian (Holyhobgoblin) ** Tim (Hammer) ** SamJust (rexludorum) ** Greg (Token Noob) ** MichaelBraly ** JeremyWestfahl ** Jeep (beep beep) ** Lillian ** KevinOelze (Alaszun) ** DavidLapayowker (Hastings / Starkiller) ** Xaga ** AndrewTaylor (Ri'Orius) ** MortosDerSoulstealer (omg Alums) Games Played: * TF2 * Dystopia * SuperSmashBrothers * Quake * Ricochet * Wesnoth * StarCraft ** Yet another epic stupid game *** What do you mean, "yet another?" It was only the second one! * RoboRally * Betrayal at the House on the Hill * Shadows over Camelot * Cosmic Encounter * WarcraftIII ** Since Pudge Wars totally counts (plus DotA of course) * UT3 ** Note: never play co-op campaign with fewer than 3 human players * NaturalSelection (sadly only combat) * Left4Dead ** Repeat after me, cheezy: Setting fire to my stricken comrades is an empty gesture. * CS1.6 <b>Organizer's NOTE:</b> if you're interested in running this stuff next year, bug TrevinMurakami and he'll give you all the notes he's collected over the past 3 years. ----- Spring 2008 Going from Saturday March 15th to Sunday March 16th Another epic event. Particular highlights include massive amounts of Brawl, a very balanced NS game that lasted over an hour, plenty of wanking about panzerfausts and killing your team mates to heal them, a Shield Gun only round in Double Domination, and of course a 4-way Terran game where one person (spellman23) teched to Battlecruisers, another went medic marine (Trix) and was promptly smooshed by the Battlecruisers, and another killed two groups of battlecruisers with cloaked wraiths after draining all the scanner sweep energy and no science vessels. Oh, and massive base trades. Game List:<br> * Natural Selection * Counter-Strike 1.6 * UT2K4 * WarcraftIII (and assorted custom maps such as DotA) * StarCraft * Dystopia * Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory * TF2 Hardcore Participants (>20 Hours of play) * MaxwellLee (Mclovin) * ChrisFerguson (Memory) * TimNguyen (Hammer on Tour) Casuals (everyone else) * TrevinMurakami (spellman23) [14hrs + setup time] * DanMoore (taupin) [about 12 hours] * KevinOelze (Alaszun) [9ish hours?] * MattKeeter (spacedude) [7ish hours, throughout the day] * AdamField (neminem, or nemo in Smash) [~10hr] * KwangKetcham (Moonunit) [18 hours] ----- Spring 2007 A special gaming event held over Spring Break of '07 from Monday to Tuesday, noon to noon, Parsons PC Lab. The purpose is to essentially have a group of gamers play games for 24 hours straight, only breaking for food and bathroom. Of course, Casual gamers were allowed to filter in and out. It was a great success with on average about 10 players present, peaking out at about 16-24 in the evening. There has been mcuh requesting it happens again sometime, although right now, the sleep dep is impairing our judgement. : ''Not to mention your spelling.'' -AndrewFarmer Game List: <br> * NaturalSelection * StarCraft * WarcraftIII * WarHammer 40K: Winter Assault * BZFlag * YSFlight * Counter-Strike * Worms World Party * Shadows over Camelot * BANG! * UT2K4 Hardcore Players (stayed for all 24 hours): <br> * TrevinMurakami (spellman23) <br> * KwangKetcham (Moonunit) <br> * ChristopherNield <br> * AndrewHunter (UltimaRatioRegum) <br> * AndrewTaylor (RiOrius) <br> * TrystanKoch (Smooth) (Twenty-Two hours with a cold and a bloody nose totally count) Casual Players: * RichardBowen * AdamField * HendrikOrem * AdamSkalenakis (Mortos) * IvanHernandez * BobChen (Lasagna) Wishing They Were Still Young: *DuctTapeGuy (Prions) ''Damn frosh.....''
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