Editing AskFunWiki
''In the tradition of the [http://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/index.cgi Internet Oracle], (formerly known as the Usenet Oracle) ask any question you desire on the page, and the WikiWikiWeb will answer it.'' ---- Q. How does one determine one's PatriNumber? A. Meet up with Patri and set it to 1. ---- Q. What's up? A. This cross that. Alternative A: -(Gravity-hat) direction ---- Q. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A. ZOT! (also in the tradition of the [http://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/index.cgi Internet Oracle]) ---- Q. Help! I'm addicted to FunWiki! I just spent over an hour on FunWiki when I should have been doing homework or something. Is there hope for addicts like me? A. Yes. Unfortunately it involves one of the following options. # A sledghammer and your computer # The removal of at least six (6) of your digits # Repeatedly poking BenZeckel in the tummy which strangely enough also involves the loss of digits. # Invoking the ElderGod''''''s # Going to... Well, never mind. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. # <add option> ---- Q. Can I really achieve Christ conciousness through Kriya Yoga, as says master Paramahansa Yogananda? A. Of course you can. Don't be silly. ---- Q. Where can I find master Yoda? And WTF is a Mitochlorian? A. Accept the truth, Lucas worshipper- Star Trek rules! Mwahahaahaha! Go suck a Midichlorian, you pod-racing schmuck! ''(The Satan-worshipping neo-Nazi fools responsible for this answer have been sacked. Please pardon our dust)'' ---- Q. Why is there a marshmallow on my nose? A. 42 Alternative A: AiyeshaMa (''well, that's a good reason for a strawberry on the forehead...'') Another Alternative A: ShamikMaitra ---- Q. What % of EastiePerson''''s are above an 85% on the 500q PurityTest? A. 42 Alternative A: AiyeshaMa ''um, i actually don't think so...'' ---- Q. Should I go to class? A. I don't know. Where exactly would you plan on classing? ---- Q. But if I ask a question, I have to check back for the answer... is there any way around that? A. < This space intentionally left blank > ---- Q. Why is LordOfTheReam getting sucking so much time? A. Because it be going to have been getting funny. ---- Q. Where is footnote [1]? A. See footnote [1] for answer. ---- Q. Whatever happened to the SeeAlso page? Does nobody else miss it? A0. I miss it! I do (thanks to A1) understand why it's gone, but it's still gone. =o[ I always get a little sad when a part of the wiki goes away.--DanCicio A1. I'm pretty sure it went by the wayside when backlinks came along. A2. Not really. ---- Q. Is this page used anymore? A. See SelfFulfillingProphecy. ---- Q. What is he most epic thing you can do while at Mudd? A. Climb SpragueLibrary. ---- [1] Over here.
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