Editing AvaniGadani
Avani ('oven - ee') is a random EastiePerson JointMajor Alumna *puff* Currently doing distributed systems research at UCSC. (RealWorld? I'll have none of it!) When she's got time she likes playing VideoGame''''s and reading many of the books on the GoodBooks list. Sadly, senior year hasn't correlated well with having time. The current culprits are Galactic Civilizations, DiabloIi and James Morrow. Also highly recommended are most of the books in ProfessorLevin's former comic book library. I have most of SandMan, and I can get other books for you from him since he's around a bit. She also thinks capitalism is scary, which results in BenZeckel calling her a HippieFreak. Sadly, since Graduate Schools can suck fat hairy goat balls, she will have to change this opinion and become a CorporateTool. See also VeryBitter. Contrary to MicahSmukler, she thinks "an alicis?" is a perfectly good question, and does in no way correlate with SleepDep ( which as a responsible student she knows nothing about ). ---- Not very useful information: * RoomNumber: . * CampusPhone: cell. * SuiteMates: GoGo the Laptop ---- Anagrams: * Avian * A Navi , like that annoying little bug (err.. fairy) that guides you through Zelda: Link to the Past. ''Also, more likely, like the PC things in lain.. (have you ever seen the lain?)'' * Panda Via An Virgin ---- 11/02: I think that the entertainment industry is one of the least capitalistically corrupt industries at the production level. Partly the realization that when a kid wants to become an artist/writer/muscian when he grows up, he's not dreaming about heaps of gold or Ferrarris. He's dreaming about fame and acceptance, which seems human enough that its alright. Compare this against Law, or even Medicine.. Discuss. ---- "Content", you ask? You expected content? Why are you looking here when you could be reading [http://www.bartleby.com random books and essays] or following [http://dev.null.org not-so-mindless links]? Still bored? Try reading the archives of some WebComics like: * [http://www.ozyandmillie.org Ozy and Millie], its cute though sometimes a bit too blunt. * [http://www.angryflower.com Bob the Angry Flower]. * [http://www.nukees.com Nukees] * [http://www.plif.com The Parking Lot is Full], 'cause bitter cynicism makes Baby Jesus smile. * [http://www.megatokyo.com Megatokyo] Recently, I've also started reading * [http://people.ne.mediaone.net/pshaughn/tandr.html Triangle and Robert], * [http://www.gpf-comics.com General Protection Fault] '''Warning''': This one doesn't make much sense without quite a bit of back story... If you're a real CrackWhore, try GregMulert's comic page. AvaniScratchSpace Good Journey.
This change is a minor edit.
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