Editing CellPhoneReception
Verizon: *Very good all around Mudd, even in AcEnd basement *Decent reception in student health building *Reception varies on Pomona - ranges from very good to no reception Sprint: *No reception in student health building **My experience says spotty, rather than no, reception, depending on where in the building. *Reception underground is spotty, as is reception in outer dorms, in my experience. Other people's Sprint phones get better reception. --SkyeBerghel T-Mobile: *Spotty reception indoors *No reception in AcEnd basement ** I actually find I have really solid reception in the AcEnd basement in the Physics Loop, but the rest of it is terrible, especially the computer labs. --KevinOelze *Had decent reception in Pomona, though it would be occasionally spotty in my dorm room there the summer I lived there. --KevinOelze AT&T: *My iPhone gets good signal everywhere on Mudd, including the CS department machine room and all of the dorms
This change is a minor edit.
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