Editing DenNys
The only thing open after 2am (with the possible exception of DelTaco). Ask for Tim. Not really that good, but if you go with enough people, who cares? ---- Fun things to do at DenNys: # Watch EjWu put sugar in his (certainly colorful, and most likely pink) beverage. # Throw things at the menu to decide what you're ordering. # Play "dum dum dada" while waiting to be seated. # Do things with non-dairy creamer which are very, very wrong. (ask LucasBaker) # Gesticulate wildly near other people's beverages. # Snort pepper. (this is a BadIdea that only GreatBigHonkingDumbAss''''''es do) # Hide the pepper shaker to prevent #6 from occuring. (Be careful. Pepper junkies carry knives.) # Play WordGames. If that's too calm, play HungryHungryHippos with the tableware. # Wish you were at the BcCafe so you could order an OrangeCow. # Play the "What number is this?" cutlery game. Yes, there is a rule. # Have people throw sugar packets at your menu to help you decide what to order. # Take your AnalExam. # Play Ten Fingers. REALLY LOUDLY. # Do cherry shots (BawMahNow). Those feeling brave can do vanilla or maple syrup shots. ---- Consumer Reports did a survey of their readers' opinions on restaurant chains, and in the category of "Family Restaurants", DenNys ranked seventeenth out of eighteen, above only Friendly's, with (converting from weird-looking symbols to numbers), a rating of 1 out of 5 for food, 3 for value, 2 for service, and 1 for mood. In other words, pseudo-scientific confirmation that DenNys sucks. ---- I would argue that all of these restaurants are "Family Restaurants" during the day, and that during the night, any that are open (read: Dennys, and Shari's in my home town) are ranked first out of one. --JohnWalseth ---- There are people in Dennys at 2 or whenever it was that know that e^i pi +1 = 0. Most of them don't but a few do, and tell you not to be a dork if you ask them about it. There can also be PomonKey""s who will moon you if you act weird.
This change is a minor edit.
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