Editing EastDormClassOf2011
The graduating class of 2011, entering during the 2007-2008 school year. Seem to think they deserve their own wiki page. *While it would be nice to have category pages for each of the classes, I still think an accomplishment page is silly. Also, this discriminates against [[ThirdFloorEastie|ThirdFloorEasties]] and assumes that all east frosh will continue to be EastiePeople in upcoming years. Better to just write ClassOf2011 as a category page, and list names for posterity (I still have no idea when some people involved in AncientMyth were alive). *Can actually include [[ThirdFloorEastie|ThirdFloorEasties]] though, with in fact many of them helping with certain pranks. As a group, has often come up with interesting projects and ideas to do during their supposed "free time". These include: * CrossDormTelephone * PirateFlagPrank * MightyWanderer * NorthBall * ManNaming * PortalPrank * ROSEttaStone * DuctTapeLacrosse ''Writeup or it didn't happen, frosh. =P'' Projects in progress: *[[MenOfEastCalendar/2007]] ** We need a time to start shooting the photos...maybe after break so people can tone up? *** Sounds like a plan. There's not much else to do for a month besides getting RIPPED! **** (maybe we should use PowerThirst ) Potential Projects * PaperAirplaneOlympiad * AustralianIndoorRulesQuidditch Has managed to actively participate in a large number of intramural sports, resulting in an unusual amount of victories compared to the expected value. * In other words, we've won three games this year! Legitimately! * <i> East is a BEAST! </i> * We also beat this CMC dorm at indoor volleyball, 30-27, 30-25. Members include: *AdriSebree *AlexMcAuley *AndreyShur *CaitlinJacques *ChrisFerguson *DanMoore *DmitriSkjorshammer *EricLangman (FroshMore) (theoretically 2010) *HamsterBob *JacobScott *KevinYeung *MadeleineOng *MattKeeter *MaxwellLee *MichaelNoback *PeterTu *SabreenLakhani *ScottAlmond *SkyeBerghel *TimNguyen *SarahLoeb
This change is a minor edit.
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