Editing EricBerglund
Member of FroshCrackSuite and general CrackWhore. Likes TheChess and HaLo Probable CS major but still considering CS/Math joint. Has a highly mutable and often disturbing sleep schedule. Or possibly lack thereof. First Happyvillian to ever kill a Werewolf in the ItrGames. *''Can someone verify this claim?'' **''Talk to someone in Suite Vengeance, DuctTapeGuy or Macht say. They should know. Incidentally, it has alreaady happened twice more since then, so I'm no longer the only one.'' *''So can we call him CalFrosh?'' **''No, his suitemates are just vicious and very easily bored.'' **''No, my suitemates are just KillCal whores and enjoy doing it to random people.'' *** Um, how can you KillCal someone who isn't Cal? **** "X is Cal. KillCal?" **** The term "Kill Cal" comes from Mafia. "Kill Person X" makes sense in Mafia. Cal simply became such a popular person to kill (through mob patterns of killing) that when voting to kill transcended the game, voting to kill Cal become a tradition. You will notice, from time to time and in other wiki pages, votes to kill for other things and other people. This has an equally long history of occurrence if not as much frequency. -- KatieLewis ---- Fun quote: "Fucks for you, Stephen". Said to StephenYu over a jovial game of settlers. (maybe he meant sucks for you, or suX0rs?) -Greg ---- CategoryHomePage WikiWhore2003 CategoryCrackWhore
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