Editing EtcPlayers
The EtcPlayers is a Mudd-based theatrical group that puts on a few shows every year for the enjoyment of the student body. All EtcPlayers shows are completely student-produced and student-directed. History: '03-'04 Season * The 3rd annual 24-hour plays, produced by Maggie Froelich '02-'03 Season * "The Crucible" directed by AlexBobbs * "La Casa de Bernarda Alba", directed by Alanna Sweeney * The 2nd annual 24-hour plays '01-'02 season * "Macbeth", directed by Alanna Sweeney * "You Can't Take It With You", directed by AlexBobbs * The 24-Hour Plays (produced in cooperation with JAG) '00-'01 season: * "Beside Herself", directed by some DamnCoolGirls (Now our Presidents) * "The Hamster Of The Opera", directed by AlexBobbs * "The Lion in Winter", directed by Colin Canell '99-'00 season: * "Hors D'oerves", a night of comic one actes * "InheritTheWind", directed by AlexBobbs ---- See also: AshmcClubs
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