Editing FoodDehydrater
As of school year 2004-2005, east dorm owns a food dehydrator (Excalibur 4-tray, model 2400). The frosh of the 2004-2005, specifically ScottTriglia and MorganConbere, convinced the dorm to buy the food dehydrator, thus leading the dorm to financial ruin by the end of the year. The dehydrator has since been lost. The food dehydrator can be used to make a variety of foods. Generally, you slice up fruit or vegetables to be about 1/4 of an inch thick, plug in the dehydrator set to 350 degrees, and run it until the fruit is dry (5-8 hours). === Foods Commonly Cooked in the Food Dehydrator === *Apple Chips - Chop in half, cut out core, slice thin. 6-8 hours. *Banana Chips - Peel, slice thin. 5-7 hours. *Pineapple Chunks - Steal from dining halls already chopped, cut off middle section, slice in half. 7-9 hours. Good partially dry too. === More Experimental, Yet Still Good === *Peas - Buy in a frozen bag from store, pour onto tray. ?-?hours. *Watermelon - Keep it fairly thick. Ends up chewy and yummy. ?-? hours. *Cantaloupe - Keep it fairly thick, dry longer than watermelon. Really strange. ?-? hours. *Honey dew - See Cantaloupe. *Pear - Prepare like apples. Take a little less time. *Peach - Prepare like apples. Make slices a little thick, leave in a little longer. ''These are so awesome. --StephGrush''
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